MT125 Quote

   / MT125 Quote #11  
When buying cars and offered incentive with financing I’ll finance make one payment then pay off with no prepayment penalty. Ironic that sellers have no interest in cash sales (no pun intended).
   / MT125 Quote
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The saga continues. LS dealer updated his quote to reflect that FEL is included, made minor freight charges adjustment. Still came in at $22550.
About an hour ago I got a quote on BX2380 same configuration, $21500, delivered. I realize there is 3hp difference, but really. LS is 1 month+ out, BX 6 months. Both quotes before state tax.

The LS dealer is brand new, but established in the landscape area, Kubota dealer is a larger equipment dealer, been around for years before taking on Kubota a few years back. They are also New Holland.
Looking like I could go orange for the wife.
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   / MT125 Quote
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When buying cars and offered incentive with financing I’ll finance make one payment then pay off with no prepayment penalty. Ironic that sellers have no interest in cash sales (no pun intended).

Agreed. The Kubota quote I just got included a $500 cash discount.
   / MT125 Quote #15  
Unusual to see Kubota less than another. super quality machines for sure.
   / MT125 Quote
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I don’t think it will be a problem. My Kioti had a treadle. Her Craftsman mowers are similar to treadle.
   / MT125 Quote
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Pulled the plug and opted for the BX at over $1K cheaper than the MT125. BX even included delivery.
Got email late this afternoon from the LS salesman kinda going overboard justifying the freight charges. Given that both dealers should have very similar freight chargers I have to suspect the LS guy doesn’t realize they are charging too much elsewhere. Guess I need to close the loop with him and tell him I bought a BX. I think LS may have erred changing dealers here. They should have kept the local guy and just added the dealer on Oahu.
   / MT125 Quote
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Be careful of your bridges if you might need blue service on your bigger machine.

Agree, and it is a bit of concern. I’m hopeful that worst case the dealer is successful on Oahu so as to maintain parts availability and maybe service. My XR4140 is only tractor I’ve taken back to dealer for service and that was to maintain relationship for warranty, now he is no longer LS dealer. Parts accessibility is primary concern, just don’t seem as readily available.

In my head ‘m drafting response to latest LS email to close the circle on a good note.
   / MT125 Quote
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Got an email from Kubota Dealer that the BX has arrived and being prepped. Been a long wait.
Never did burn any bridges with the new LS dealer, but somewhat surprised I never got another email from them.

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