My DK45HST and me

   / My DK45HST and me #51  
Great pics, thanks for sharing. Looks like a huge project and I'm sure you're glad that it's finished.
Curious as to what type of tree you took out with that kind of root ball, that is BIG?
   / My DK45HST and me
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It was a silver maple, I don't know exactly how tall it was, but it went over my house easily. I have an old house with three stories, so I am guessing it was around 40-50'. I rented a tow behind lift and we topped it first, then hacked it down in sections to keep it from hitting the house. Well, where the house used to be. The tree itself had to be at least 3 feet in diameter. I never actually measured it. I had another one that was close to it, it was alot easier to handle.

I had a couple of helping hands with the project, and the one guy guessed the stump/root ball to be about 5 Ton.
   / My DK45HST and me #53  
You are doing some amazing work, your family will talk about this for generations. Our family owned a house in Maine, 167 years ago the house was moved from beside a river to a small hillside about 100 yards away. My Dad has told me the story he was told about the house being moved with oxen and logs.
   / My DK45HST and me
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Heck, thats impressive. The guys who did mine used a hydraulic jacks, a backhoe, a skidsteer, and a tractor trailer.

I live in the middle of nothing, so I was kinda the talk of the town. From what my friends told me, the town thinks I'm either an idiot for doing it, or I'm rich, or they think I did the right thing. Guess you can't please everyone, especially not the people who you don't even know. I'm definetly not rich, me not thinks me too dumb, and I kinda believe I did the right thing for my family and I.

People in small towns will likely understand what a comotion this caused, and almost a few wrecks from rubber neckers.