My father has fallen and can't get up

   / My father has fallen and can't get up #111  
When I read your continuing updates, I can't help but visualize you as the Energizer Bunny!

It is the pursuit of Dreams which keeps us most alive...
   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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My father came home friday, so big push to get it finished. Plumbing done, 2 days doing tile, a day for grout, toilet in, sealer down. The hot water heater was dead, so had to replace the elements and take about 2 gallons of lime shavings out of the bottom. Then it was still only getting luke warm. Well, that was my oops. Instead of capping the lines in the bathroom i looped them across each other. Well, then any time you used the hot water, it pulled from the cool water system for the most of it. So I had to shut down the manifold.

Toilet isn't level, ground isn't level, need to put some shims in to try and bring it up. Still need to finish the tile in the shower. Want to get the vanity and washer/dryer in next week.









   / My father has fallen and can't get up #114  
What is that on the walls? Looks kinda like lap siding?
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #115  
I'm curious too about the siding on the walls also, is it painted wood or a vinyl coating? I don't know what your plans are for the vent pipe next to the toilet, but it seems to be a good candidate for a free standing "table" - something with 2 sides an a flat top to hide the pipe, but easily removable and with the flat top providing a place to put stuff like an extra roll of TP or something hanging from a belt, etc.

Looks good, i'm sure he'll be pleased.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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It's shiplap wood paneling. My mother saw it and wanted it. It was kind of a pain to do but I think it came out nice.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the basement exhaust pipe from the dryer. Maybe i'll box it in with spare stuff from the shiplap.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #117  
Make a ship lap cap to top the gap
   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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My father was unresponsive this morning. Taken by ambulance to the ER. He's septic and has pneumonia. Ventilation and lifesaving measures. He was home for a total of 5 days after coming home from the rehab facility last friday. He initially went to the hospital for a stent on Dec 11, which turned into a double bypass and heart valve, then after a month of complications in the ICU, went to rehab in early January.

This has been exhausting.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #119  
We will be praying!
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #120  
Broke my femur in 1978.
I fell on the Ice and broke mine on the Jan 12th, convinced myself, it was a REALLY bad sprain and held off calling 911 14 hours by then any movement was excruciating. That was a Bad decision.
In ER on Friday the 13th and they did surgery the next morning.

My best wishes for the OPs Father and his recuperation. fatjay You are a Great son to do all this for him.
I came home on day 5 but thought I could do exercises and not need PT.
Wife doctors and TBN members have convinced me otherwise.
I don't have range of motion in more than one direction so we are setting up at home Physical therapy hopefully beginning soon.
All the Best wishes for any family that goes through this.

Had not finished reading the Whole thread.

fatjay my prayers are with you your Father and the family.

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