My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?

   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?
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Yeah I used the magnetic heater on a garden tractor through the winter and it didn't do to bad it would heat the oil too around 85* or so.

The coldest I have ever seen it get down here was -10 but usually winters are fairly mild I'll give it a shot this winter and see how it does. If it isn't very efficient I will probably get a online coolant or stick on pan heater.. Thanks
   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!? #12  
Also the block heater I have is a 1500 watt magnetic that I am goin fabricate a permanent mount for so where would be the best place to mount it?

Thanks again!!!

In the trash can. They are worthless. Get a lower rad heater or a glue on oil pan heater that covers more area.

My first choice would be the lower rad heater. Here in Northern Indiana where we see -30 at times my Jinma has never failed to start in 7 years now with about 45 minutes to 1 hour on the heater.

   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?
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Diamondpilot said:
In the trash can. They are worthless.


Lol mine did okay on a garden tractor but I think it probably uses more energy than it's worth. I'll look into that.

   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!? #14  
I bought my inline heater from TSC, cut the line install heater tighten two clamps and that was it.
And you did that without having to drain and refill/replace the anti-freeze. Right? And you were able to easily rotate the electrical section up into the vertical position stipulated in the instructions? Cuz those two are right up there on the complaints list compiled from folks trying to install those things correctly.

TSC sells Kats heaters, or at least they used to. If you got yours 2 or more years ago, it might still have been American made. But based up the way complaints have been piling up for the last 20 months or so, it's pretty clear that Kats has outsourced to China or Indonesia.

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   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!? #15  
Greg g; it was a couple of years back when I bought mine, but I did notice they still had one just like the one I installed on the shelf a few weeks back. I did drain the anti-freeze, it was time for a change when I added the heater. I did have one issue though, the 1st one I installed worked for about 30sec. :mad: TSC was good about it and let me get another, that has worked fine.
   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?
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Does anyone know if a FEL off of a nortrac has the same mounts as a Jinma???
   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?
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RonMar said:
Nortrac is a Jinma...

That's what I thought wasn't 100% sure though.. Thanks
   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!?
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This is an update to my original post.. I was still having issues with the tractor starting I got to looking into the problem and found that my glow plugs weren't even heating AT ALL. The post where the power wire was attached was rusty and not getting a good connection. I cleaned up one of the other posts, put on a new terminal and bolted it down, tested the connection via multimeter and I got a power reading when I turned the key to the heat position and the tractor fires up after two strokes!!! Like a champ!!! Just figured I would share the info... Thanks to all for the help!!!

   / My Jinma 254 has trouble starting in the cold?!?!? #20  
Cool! Those glow plugs make quite a difference...