My tractor is broken

   / My tractor is broken
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Guys, I appreciated your thoughts on paint and such but can we focus on the problem at hand rather than generic banter? It would be more productive/useful to me.
   / My tractor is broken #12  

grab yer service manual, parts manual and box of wrenches and dig in big boy.

tell us what YOU see.

That's how all my tractors finally got fixed...

seeings as how all this banter is non helpfull and such.

   / My tractor is broken
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Soundguy, a big thank you for your profound assistance! Is this how you rack up 30K plus posts? With sarcasm rather than helping your forumites? This is supposed to be a forum for help................
   / My tractor is broken #14  
My guess is you'll have to split the thing and figure out whats salvageable and what needs replacing. shifting forks, syncronizers, I'm not sure what all is in there. Not sure of your mechanic skills but I'd say this would be a 7 or 8 on a scale of 10 in difficulty.
Good luck.
It would be good of you to do (as you have asked) if you could take pictures and document the repair. I see the exploded parts manual for $56 and the service manual for $58 I'd buy the service manual 1st and see how far I can get with that.
   / My tractor is broken #15  
once you've been around tractor forums long enough, I think you will find that the very best ones have banter and side talk and are not 'bang your knuckles with a ruler' topical.

It adds brevity, and generally keeps the thread fresh, and for fourms that 'bubble' the thread to the top when reply is made.. it actually keeps the thread alive... that's positive, as sometimes you are waiting for that IH guy to get off work and get home.. or get off vacation, and wander in and see this post. something he likely won't do if it goes off the page after a day with 10 other posts above it hiding it..

besides.. I've always thought of these forums as more like a table at a restaurant where people toss out ideas around and across. not every one of them being 100% directed at the original topic. that's keeps it being a fun hoby and not a.. um.. unpaid JOB.

that said.. it sometimes sadly happens, that someone DOES NOT come along and throw the magic answer down on the plate and slide it over in front you you, cut it up for you and then start spoon feeding it to you. Sometimes you just get the side guesses and whatnot, and actually are faced with diagnosing your own tractor. A travesty I kow.. but it happens.

at that point.. there ain't much left to do but either pay someone to come fix it.. haul it to someone and have them fix it.. or resort to opening your tool box and a manual and start fixing it yourself.

I'm not saying you are down to those choices yet.. I was just responding with a lil toung in cheek sarcasm at your " chop chop quit talking and start helping me" comment.

If you get to be impatient.. don't I get to be sarcastic? fair right?

sorry your tractor is broke.

sorry no one has raised their hand to tell you exactly what's wrong with it.

sorry no one has committed to drive over and fix it for you.

and I promise you I didn't show up to your place and sabotage it while you weren't looking.

ps.. about the post 'racking'.. I guess I could ask the same.... are you aiming at racking posts up demanding people stop having fun here and hurry up and start helping you?

good luck.

keep us updated

   / My tractor is broken
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Kyle, I have all the needed manuals plus I have access to a mechanic that could do the job right as that's what he does for a living. I simply wanted to get a forum idea of all the viable alternatives before I proceed. One thing I didn't want, nor expected on this forum was the useless rants on the merrits, or lack there off, of painting my tractor.

I'll keep you posted on how it all plays out, thanks again for all the positive feedback gentlemen!
   / My tractor is broken #17  
I think people were honestly just trying to point out that in most cases, you go thru the mechanicals completely and get everything working, before doing the cosmetics. i don't think anyone was actually trying to rib you about simply painting your tractor. Painting is semi- expected.

not wanting or expecting comments.. was. IMHO.. a bit presumptive.

as to a comment being useless.. that's a subjective statement.

again.. remember.. this is suposed to be a fun place for all.. not an unpaid job. if a lil side talk is not tolerated by you here.. then.. well.. I'm SURE there are some knuckle buster hard topic / harshly moderated forums you could probably find out there. if they would be more comfortable.

in any case. if you have access to the needed manuals, and access to a competent mechanic.. then I think you have all you need. the competent mechanic should have all the skills needed to look at the service and parts manual, look at the assembly that is not working as advertised, adn form an opinion as to what is wrong, and what to do to correct it either by actually fixing a part or repalcing a part. IE.. dive in and start swinging wrenches. :) that's wher ethe fun begins. at least for most of us.

I can assure you that everything I've ever taken apart on a tractor.. that I didn't go in knowing 100% what was wrong, or what to expect... however.. it usually all came together in the end.. even if I had to do it two or three times to make sure there were no left over parts..e tc.

again.. good luck

   / My tractor is broken
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Soundguy, there is a time and a place for everything and this is not the time, nor the place to be taking virtual liberties. Lets just live well enough alone, ok? A pissing contest between us won't produce the desired outcome and my intent is to derive at the best possible outcome.
   / My tractor is broken
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Sure enough, I've had the same experience in taking apart and fixing things, it all works out in the end....unless it kills us. Peace!
   / My tractor is broken #20  
Cm'on guys, GCP bought this tractor and THEN painted it. It's not like he bought one with the hoses and wires painted. He's proud of it and wants it to look nice and operate well. He is just hoping someone has had problems/experience with his gear problems.

He will figure it out, and I hope he will come back and tell us what was wrong and how he fixed it.