My two favorite things!

   / My two favorite things! #1  


Silver Member
Dec 21, 2005
North Carolina
JD 2305
My dad and my 2305 /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

   / My two favorite things! #2  
Wish I could get a picture of my Dad on my JD 2555. He is a thousand miles away, and doesn't make the trip but about once in every 15 years. Got another 10 to go and he is 76 years old.
Have to settle for driving out and getting one of him next to his tractor.
David from jax
   / My two favorite things! #3  
That's great. I'd like to have gotten my Dad on my 4300 and the 445, or just had him be able to see it. He didn't want to get any distance from 'home' his last 8-10 years, and passed away in the fall of '04 at 91. Really miss him and Mom, but have good memories that I hold dear to my heart just the same. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
You can attach larger pics, up to 100,000 using the attachment feature. I'd like to see the tractor and your Dad /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / My two favorite things! #4  
just click on the pic, it will show you a bigger view!
   / My two favorite things!
  • Thread Starter
Poppa will be 80 at the end of this month! He has been depressed lately, ya' see Mama passed away this past October, they were married 56 years. He is very special to me.
   / My two favorite things! #6  

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. That picture is special . . . as is all the moments you get to spend here on in . . . I recommend and am betting you will make the most of them.
   / My two favorite things! #7  
Very touching photo and thread. It is a blessing that you are close, both physically and emotionally, to your Dad. Lots of guys (and gals) aren't. Tell him you love him and let him put a few hours on the JD. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / My two favorite things! #8  
I lost my dad a year ago this week, Feb 11th. Him and I were always tractor pals. I still have my mother, but she doesn't come and hang out with me on the tractor like my dad did....

He would have liked my new machine.

But, I'm greatful I still have her, and it gets easier everyday.
   / My two favorite things! #9  
I have a picture of my dad and my son on dad's 2520 (the 1960's farm tractor not the new CUT) and it is one of my favorites.

I took that picture about 7 years ago. Soon thereafter dad discovered terminal cancer and was gone within a couple of years. I didn't associated much value with the picture when I first got it developed but it sure means a lot to me now!!!!
   / My two favorite things! #10  
Man, does that picture bring emotions and memories flooding back!! My Dad passed three years ago this past Oct. 3. I remember him telling us - "always buy John Deere, they might cost more but they're worth it."

About six months before his passing, long after he'd gotten rid of his J-D equipment because he couldn't get around that well any more, I heard him mention to my Mom that he'd seen an ad in the paper for JD lawn tractors at Home Depot, and, weren't they just the greatest looking tractors, etc..., so, the next day we got him an L130. When they delivered it, you'da thought we got him a new yacht or something. We got him on there and he chugged around the yard a few times, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

I really miss him. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif That old saying about 'The older I get, the smarter he was' really applies.

You're doing a good job - keep taking good care of him.

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