New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way

   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #21  
I have the WC88 still in the box in my garage. Bought it in November then the snow started. It is great to hear everyone is enjoying the machine. I cant wait to put mine to use!
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #22  
I have the WC88 still in the box in my garage. Bought it in November then the snow started. It is great to hear everyone is enjoying the machine. I cant wait to put mine to use!

You missed Christmas ! Half the fun was assembling the machine. Get someone to help put the infeed chute together. It was hard to hold the panels while starting the bolts. :drink:
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #23  
Think I need self feed. The Mac grabbed stuff in the hopper yesterday and almost fractured my left wrist. Ended up with a huge hematoma. Have slit heater hose around the top of both hoppers but bought some pipe insulation and put it over the heater hose in that one area. Good thing. Whapped it again a little bit today.

The wife and I need put up for Purple Hearts in our war on invasives. She's fighting with the 40v Kobalt and loading logs into the tractor bucket. I'm doing chipping of cut-down autumn olives and branches on red cedars that she's cutting up. Kind of a long overdue war.

I just got a spare chipper blade for the Mac. Stuck with it for quite a while. The hammer guts were all replaced last year. 15 years on it.

   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #24  
Has anyone had trouble with the W68 hydr. feed stopping and you have to reverse it. Even with small pieces.
Also with the discharge chute plugging up
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #25  
What RPM are you running your PTO at? The chipper will work best at a full 540 PTO RPM or a little faster.
If you are not going 540 RPM the fan does not move as much air and the discharge will be far more likely to plug up.
That could also be the cause of your infeed jam as well.

Aaron Z
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #26  
I've had chippers for about twenty five years. First, some unnamed, stand alone chipper/shredder. It died @ year three. Then - Wallenstein BX42S. Now Wallenstein BX62S. Starting about 20+ years ago I would thin & chip my many young pine stands. 900 to 1200 young pines every spring. This project is broken into stages. Identify & fell, drag to pile, chip.

The BX42S had problems. Pine pitch in the discharge chute caused the unit to plug up. Solution - identify, fell, drag to pile - chip the coming year. The new BX62S has a higher air flow - larger discharge chute. No problems. I've had the BX62S six years now.

When I upgraded from the '42 to the '62 I also considered the '92. However, the largest pines I can physically handle - (drag to pile) - are 6" pines. Anything bigger is beyond my abilities to drag. Besides, around here, any pine that has survived to become 6" will most likely become a mature tree. The pine bark beetles & porcupines prefer the smaller trees.
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #27  
Has anyone had trouble with the W68 hydr. feed stopping and you have to reverse it. Even with small pieces.
Also with the discharge chute plugging up

New WC68's come with feed pressure set about half full pressure. It sounds like yours may have come with a bit too soft of pressure.

Your Owner's Manual describes how to adjust the feed pressure. Pressure can be adjusted with the large spring on the right side. After the chipper break-in the pressure is a bit softer than brand new. On the plus side, the softer pressure makes starting large pieces easier to get pulled in. You can tight up the spring pressure but be aware, starting large pieces can sometimes be contrary. If you encounter that, the easy work-around is to shove in a smaller piece to raise the roller a little, then immediately follow it with your large piece.

Other 'fixes' are to make your larger tree cuts at an angle, giving the roller something to get a bite on. I usually forget to do that, so I just routinely use the smaller piece first system.

If adjusting the pressure spring doesn't solve your problem, there is of course, a hydraulic pressure control next to the spring pressure control. You may have to bump up the hydraulic pressure. The BX probably has to run a full PTO rpm to get the needed fluid pressure. haven't needed to do that though on my L3400.

Hope the above solves your problem. If not, Woodland has an excellent Tech Service Department that will gladly walk you through whatever it takes to resolve the problem.
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #28  
Has anyone had trouble with the W68 hydr. feed stopping and you have to reverse it. Even with small pieces.
Also with the discharge chute plugging up
I have about four hours experience with my new WC68 and I am excited for spring to come so the cleanup can really begin. I have piles of brush everywhere and most were cut and piled before I had any thought of buying a chipper.
I have had to reverse the hydraulic infeed a half dozen times as I learn how twisted a branch can be. I am sure that going forward while I am cutting, I'll get a better sense of which (Y shaped) branches may need a secord zip with the saw to make them 6" compatible.
As for small stuff, I have already learned to feed it in along side a longer branch - that works well. I did try to chip a totally rotten branch - it turned out to be sawdust held together by bark. It did not work out so well and clogged the chipper and chute. I'll leave these sorts on the ground to finish rotting.
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #29  
I guess I'm either real lucky or just blessed with dumb luck. I haven't had a clogged up chute yet. Sometimes, i.e. most of the time, I'll go ahead and shove rotted wood on through my chipper. That's pretty stupid I know - it blows out as a cloud of dust.

What I do enjoy though is running 30' - 40' lengths of wisteria vines though it. I get it started and stand back and watch it just suck it in, and chop it up. We have wisteria around here like a lot of people have kudzu - it grows everywhere and wraps around trees so tight it'll choke out a tree. Now - if I could just find somebody that really enjoys dragging trees out of the woods that I cut - I'd be a happy camper.
   / New Woodland Mills WC68 Chipper on the way #30  
Yep, dragging limbs out is how I hurt my knee real bad. It is an old knee anyway, but a few days ago it gave out and I'm out of commission now. Maybe by the time this rainy weather is over I can get back at it.........but ....I don't know. 002.JPG003.JPG


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