Not Enough Babies?

   / Not Enough Babies?
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Juneteenth was on a Friday not long ago and the local bank decided to close with a handwritten sign…

Lots of business owners very unhappy as they were bringing in end of week deposits.

I asked the bank and was told the decision made Wednesday afternoon before the Friday as the right thing to do… US Bank
   / Not Enough Babies? #92  
OFW is a way of life and nursing highly respected…

Over Seas Foreign Worker.

Austria has a Philippine nursing program and the US has similar ties.

Sever of our RNs go back every 12 to 24 months and I have standing invites but as a person that likes the Pacific Northwest I worry how I would fare in 100 degree heat and 90% humidity?

No baby shortage in the PI from what I hear.
We're heading to Phils in 3 days to stay for 3 weeks. It's very HOT and HUMID in Manila. I carry a towel everywhere I go and drink a LOT of water. We're going to stay in Baguio (5000 ft. elevation) for a few days where the average high is mid 70's F. Wish me luck, I hope I don't die of heat stroke. It's been 7 years since we were there last and I'm not a young man anymore.

No baby shortage is correct, my wife and I have about a dozen nieces and nephews, many that we have never met.
   / Not Enough Babies? #93  
We're heading to Phils in 3 days to stay for 3 weeks. It's very HOT and HUMID in Manila. I carry a towel everywhere I go and drink a LOT of water. We're going to stay in Baguio (5000 ft. elevation) for a few days where the average high is mid 70's F. Wish me luck, I hope I don't die of heat stroke. It's been 7 years since we were there last and I'm not a young man anymore.

No baby shortage is correct, my wife and I have about a dozen nieces and nephews, many that we have never met.
Have fun, we have friends from Philippines , Big family, all really nice.

Just don't push yourself in that heat. We learned to have a bottle of cold water with us to pour over our head if it got too much. Towel is a great idea.

pictures of Baguio please, sounds nice.
   / Not Enough Babies?
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My friends from the Philippines all have lots of brothers and sisters…

My Philippine friends that are raised here have at most one or two kids.

I’m sure a lot is California economics combined with not having a large built in family safety net.

With elevation it’s a safe bet the temp drops…

One co worker from the mountain Provence about 1.5 hours above Baguio said sometimes cold enough for hail and even frost…

I’ve seen this on the Hawaiian Big Island hot on the beach and playing in the snow at Mauna Kea.

Looking forward to pictures and more how well you acclimate and any surprises along the way.

With the PI population expanding building is booming and the economy strong.

I find it interesting that as a rule non citizens cannot own land, divorce isn’t really an option and foreigners that screw up face consequences with no hesitation to deport…

One nurse explained it best… as a RN in the Bay Area she earns in one shift what she earned in a month as a Provence Clinic RN.

English taught in the schools is a big plus and in general Americans are welcomed…
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   / Not Enough Babies? #95  
Wait until the boomers die off...there will be so many houses available that values will crater.

The higher it goes, the bigger the fall...
   / Not Enough Babies? #96  
My friends from the Philippines all have lots of brothers and sisters…

My Philippine friends that are raised here have at most one or two kids.

I’m sure a lot is California economics combined with not having a large built in family safety net.

With elevation it’s a safe bet the temp drops…

One co worker from the mountain Provence about 1.5 hours above Baguio said sometimes cold enough for hail and even frost…

I’ve seen this on the Hawaiian Big Island hot on the beach and playing in the snow at Mauna Kea.

Looking forward to pictures and more how well you acclimate and any surprises along the way.

With the PI population expanding building is booming and the economy strong.

I find it interesting that as a rule non citizens cannot own land, divorce isn’t really an option and foreigners that screw up face consequences with no hesitation to deport…

One nurse explained it best… as a RN in the Bay Area she earns in one shift what she earned in a month as a Provence Clinic RN.

English taught in the schools is a big plus and in general Americans are welcomed…
Economy may be strong but the Philippine Peso is weak right now. The exchange rate is almost 58 P to 1 USD which is nice for us. Back in 2013 it was 40 P to 1 USD.
   / Not Enough Babies? #97  
Wait until the boomers die off...there will be so many houses available that values will crater.

The higher it goes, the bigger the fall...
Those borders won't close themselves.

There are literally billions of people waiting to come here to get away from their failed governments. Think ours is corrupt, this is childs play compared to some countries.
Cheap labor,
   / Not Enough Babies? #98  
Had several acquaintances that spent time in the PI. Most had fun (some of it very odd fun, Navy guys...) and also were relieved to come home too.

It's funny how different areas of the world what is/isn't normal. Might have changed, but Hot water used to be considered a very upper class thing in PI. In Mexico, an upper middle class family will have a maid and a driver; in the US, that would be something only the wealthiest would have. A middle class family in Russia will often have a summer home outside of town (datcha), but that would be a rarity for middle class Americans. A middle class person in Spain might think nothing of taking a 5 week vacation. I'm not saying any of it is good or bad; it's partly local economics, and part of it is cultural. Even a lower to lower middle class American family will have 2 vehicles; that would be odd in many other places.
   / Not Enough Babies? #99  
Those borders won't close themselves.

There are literally billions of people waiting to come here to get away from their failed governments. Think ours is corrupt, this is childs play compared to some countries.
Cheap labor,

Immigrants are being allowed in to try and tame inflation. They are being used to constrain wage growth. It's a sinister play by the elites to get cheap labor.

Due to this, they will never be allowed to gain home ownership running on the hamster wheel.
   / Not Enough Babies? #100  
I have worked around/with many many Mexicans; both legal and illegal; and most were never planning on staying here forever. Lot of them still sent money home to wife/Sancho (if you know, you know :); and had a specific goal; start a small business, build a house; basically the American dream, exported back home. Now, in my experience, the 2nd generation, born here, are a different group, culturally and work ethics. I've also worked around a pretty good number of eastern Europeans, who generally were here for good; some Nigereans, some Indians, Caribbeans;

I think a big change from earlier immigrants, is, it is Much easier to keep a connection with the old country (if they want). It used to be a one way trip; never hear from the family/friends in the old world; now, it's a $250 plane ticket home for 3 weeks.

There is also a large Myth in other parts of the world that the US is the land of milk and honey. Come here, make 10 years of income in a year and go home rich. Then they get hit with the reality of barely making it. If you go to many parts of the world, all they see of the US is TV, movies, and YouTube stars, who have 3 lambos, a beach mansion, and they think that is the norm.