Not Enough Babies?

   / Not Enough Babies? #131  
Net world population growth recently fell below replacement rate.

Too few children will cause as many problems as too many.
   / Not Enough Babies? #132  
We are up to over 8 billion people.

In 1970 we had half of that.

This doubling has caused untold starvation and damage to water supplies and led to deforestation for farming in Asia and South America.

We are already getting closer to Soylent green.

While net change is lower this year, it's only since 2019 that net change is below 1%. So only a few years of downward change, which includes the Pandemic years.

   / Not Enough Babies? #135  
I guess the wife and I lived in the golden ages. Kids were more valuable than gold, and we never even thought of how much they might "cost" .
We made a deal to our family that one of us would stay home and care for the young ones.

It worked, but I'm a miser, and my wife is frugal.

The kids did not go wanting...


Same here only I go through it now. We just had our 11th and I don’t understand the people who talk about can’t afford them, especially when they talk about faith in the same sentence. Wife obviously had to stay at home she has a job there that is huge. God will provide. Population too much? No there are vast areas of land unpopulated even in India.

We are done having them naturally but I could see adopting maybe 9 more if we are stable enough.
   / Not Enough Babies? #136  
Same here only I go through it now. We just had our 11th and I don’t understand the people who talk about can’t afford them, especially when they talk about faith in the same sentence. Wife obviously had to stay at home she has a job there that is huge. God will provide. Population too much? No there are vast areas of land unpopulated even in India.

We are done having them naturally but I could see adopting maybe 9 more if we are stable enough.

Thats a beautiful thing you got going tractortroof.
“God will provide” if we just believe and have faith.
IMO, it is the strong faith and families, particularly from the south and midwest that will pull this country through and lead us through this mess.
Strong families of Faith will be an example for the lost, Godless America haters and they will eventually turn back to God.
That is my prayer.