Now I have a problem

   / Now I have a problem
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Yes, I will put a fuel valve in there because I definitely don't want this to happen again! Thanks again.
   / Now I have a problem #32  
I'll look for where the hydro temp sensor might go and see if this is indeed a part of that. I do know that the hydraulic cooling fan would kick on after a few minutes of using the PT, which I hope is how it's supposed to happen.
If the fan is kicking on, then that probably isn't what it is, since the fan sensor is obviously functioning right. The temp sensor for the fan should be clamped on the inlet to the hydraulic cooler, which is inside the lid (underneath the fan).
   / Now I have a problem #33  

Congratulations on getting everything fixed and running.

All the best,

   / Now I have a problem #34  
Looking at my 2001 PT425, the temp sensor for the hydraulic cooler is right off the tram pump. In this picture, it's the little yellow dot right under the front, left corner of the fuel tank.


  • PT425ViewEngineComp.jpg
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