
   / oops!!! #31  
here is the link it was working as of this post time <A target="_blank" HREF=http://koti.mbnet.fi/~soldier/towboat.htm>http://koti.mbnet.fi/~soldier/towboat.htm</A>
   / oops!!! #33  
The picture captions mentioned the bridge rail that was now under water. Is that a sign of the bridge sinking due to damage, or just that the water level near the shore line was temporarily higher due to wave action ?
Sure hope everybody came through it OK and darn glad that it wasn't me. I bet there was some laundry being washed that nite. Mark
   / oops!!! #34  
Mark, you non-natutical guy. That bridge rail it the tug boat bridge rail, you know where the captian stands around.... I guess it does give new meaning to the captian saying "take the bridge"

OH YES, dirty laundry.

The one that gets me are the two workers who road on the bardge that was cut lose.... You know they made that trip under the bridge too.
   / oops!!! #35  
The sequence of tugboat pictures is making its way around the internet at warp speed. Apparently, however, the incident was in the late 70's. The tug was deliberately dropping off the barges which would fit under the span. A line snagged, keeping the tug from running around through the open draw and back to the barges. Another tug recovered the barges and helped the tug to shore. No casualties except one drowned engine and some wet areas. The photos were printed in a newspaper, and then rumor has it the negatives were bought by a tug company and deep sixed until now.
   / oops!!! #36  
As per Charlie, see <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.snopes.com/spoons/photos/towboat.htm>Towboat!</A>.

Any way you cut it - wow!
   / oops!!! #37  
Jeff396, I went over to my ex-brother-in-law house one day and his shinny new two wheeler was just trashed on on side... What happen, he had put floor boards on it the last week, pulled up to a stop light and forgot to put his feet on the ground.. He said it stayed up right for about 10 seconds before he had to start thinking about replaceing right side body parts.... The mind is a funny thing....
   / oops!!! #38  
I was fortunate enough to get a Harley dresser with crash bars. You see, I'm 165 pounds soaking wet and the bike went over 800 pounds dry. It took me a good bit of time to get totally used to it and quit toppling it over but fortunately those crash bars kept me from having to replace any fiberglass (or whatever composite it's made of now). In order for me to get my feet flat on the ground I had to move forward and basically sit on the gas tank.

One time shortly after I bought the bike I fell on a highway exit ramp. Someone had left a track of antifreeze or oil around the ramp. When my rear tire hit it it just slipped right out from under me. It spun around (spit me out) and then flopped over on the other side at the last minute. The reason I tell you this is the amazing price tag to fix the bike......$6500.00!!!!! The most amazing thing was that it was okay to ride which I did while waiting a month for my repair parts to come in./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / oops!!! #39  
Jag, I do understand the Boats bridge rail and it was indeed underwater, but check the 11th picture in. The pictures caption says to look at the "bottom righthand side of the picture and you will see that the Bridge Guardrail is under water" and there is inded water over the guard rail. Hence my earlier question.
   / oops!!! #40  
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the guard rail is not under water. I believe the caption is wrong. Notice the pattern of oxydation or rust or whatever it is on the rail that looks like water over the rail continues up the rail where it is much more apparent that it isn't under water. It's hard to tell depth in a still picture but when I look real close I think the water is below the rail. Check it out and let me know what you think.
