Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks

   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #1  


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2008
Southwestern Wisconsin
BCS 850 diesel and 735 diesel
Hey all,

I've wanted to buy a two stage Berta snow blower for awhile now. I usually clean my 1500' driveway (plus half-again more around the buildings) with my skid steer & 100" bucket, but I think I can clear heavy snows faster with the walk-behind. Hope to have it, and the tracks, by the weekend. I'll post a video as soon as I do.
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #2  
Think you will find that the blower is slower for any wide or long distance snow removal.

I started with a 32 inch walk behind toro, and even on a 250 foot drive it was a slow painstaking job- especially if the blower had to pick up the snow twice.
bought a Toyota FJ 40 Landcruiser with a western plow and what a difference...

switched to the tractor fel for the drive ways, and also a Sears 10 hp track drive blower which is good for paths and around the house-

but parking areas and long drive ways walk behinds are a pain

jmo but they are great for trails walkways and areas where it is difficult to get a larger machine
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   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #3  
Just hook up the sulky Bill, and put the thermos in your coat and have fun.

Invest in a gallon fo fluid film and a sprayer and coat the innards and you will
have zero issues with plugging- I do that with mine when I forget I have the
two cans of cooking spray to use.

Do they offer metal tracks now?? I was going to suggest adding windshield
washer fluid to the tires and chains. I added straight WWF to the rears on my LA115
and between that and the rear suit case weights and my excess derrier it
made all the difference in traction. I just have to install the pneumatic
casters to it now.

It still founds in slush because its a 2 wheel drive hydro but its ok otherwise.
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #4  
That sounds like it will be a great set up. But holy moly, 1500'? I love my BCS blower for detail work on the drive, and keeping a lot of walkways open between the barn, house, wood pile etc. I've only used the blower to clear my whole 1000' drive a couple times I think. I think you should get a skid steer snow plow and cruise through that drive in a matter of a couple minutes. It's easy to spend someone else's money. :D
Can't wait to see the pictures.
edit: As long as I'm spending your money, have you thought about adding an LED flood light or lights for night work? That would be slick on your setup.
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks
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I have a 100" bucket on a Deere 317 with cab. This is the fourth bucket I've used to clear the drive. I started out with a 66" lowpro bucket(now has toothbar on it and does dirt work), then a 66" high volume bucket (sold it), then an 80" bucket (use it for cleaning the chicken barn), and now this 100" bucket.

The drive has open field on either side. It leaves the buildings heading east, and turns straight north for 1000' to the road. For small snows, the bucket works like a dream - one pass out and one pass back. With heavier snows, it makes a berm on either side of the road and requires a half dozen or more passes. A hard north or west wind, and the area between the berms packs solid with snow, even if it's not snowing. In theory, I should be able to run out and back twice and have the driveway completely clear without leaving berms. With no berms, I shouldn't have to clean as often when it's windy.

I have considered getting a skid steer snow blower, but they're more expensive than the Berta. Since my skid steer does not have hi-flow hydraulics, I'd pry need to buy the blower new to be sure it was set up for my 17ish gpms. I also don't have electric over hydraulics, so would need to install them, or have one with it's own controls. Decent ones start at 5 grand. I may still get one, but I thought that the Berta will do a better job than the bucket for less money for now.

That, and I just want one :)
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #6  
Those Berta's are supposed to be one of the only blowers to outperform the BCS, right? Should be impressive.
I know what you mean about the bucket and windrows. I think a plow, angled, is a good compromise. I can't or won't afford a large blower. I plow down one side of the drive, rolling snow to the center. Then I come back up the drive, rolling that windrow another width over, mostly off the downwind side of the drive. A final pass down and back to clean up things, but always rolling the snow downwind. I'm lucky and my prevailing wind is fairly consistent so I don't have many drifts building from the windrow side. Your blower should keep a nice clean and low edge to the banks.
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #7  
This is about as much as I am likely to get:


18" to 24"

The record here on the mountain is about 40" about 10 years ago or so.

Plus it only lasts for a week or two.

I need those tracks not for the snow (although I am thinking of getting a dozer blade), but for getting around in my woods they should be great.
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks
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It's here! And fast, too! I got the shipment notification yesterday evening, and it was delivered at noon today. I had to work on my Vermeer 605M baler, so I didn't get back in time to get it mounted and tried out. Tomorrow...
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #9  

don't forget to take pics
   / Ordered a Berta two stage blower and a set of tracks #10  
Well....... it's tomorrow and I don't see any info on your new blower and tracks yet. :hissyfit::laughing: Hope it does better than you hoped it wood. Ed

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