Photos gone from old threads

   / Photos gone from old threads
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Ok, here's an example of a post of mine that had a visible photo when posted but none now. (The photo was at the blank space following the first two lines of text).

The photo I linked to still exists on TBN, but my 2013 link to it doesn't work in 2014.

(Here's where I first uploaded the photo to TBN).

And ... a technical explanation of why the photo doesn't show now:

See the difference? (I padded some .... to make the comparison easier)

Where it was when I linked to it successfully:

Where it is today:
Last edited:
   / Photos gone from old threads #12  
Does not work:

The difference appears to be /forums/attachments/yanmar/ vs /forums/files/yanmar/
I wonder if a symlink from /attachments/ to /files/ was removed?

Aaron Z
   / Photos gone from old threads
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Hmmm: ...
I wonder if a symlink from /attachments/ to /files/ was removed?
So that's what that [ code ] tag is for! :)

Yes, I think that's the issue. I'm not enough of a programmer to know the solution but I think we've identified the problem.

I have quite a few old photos on here documenting various aspects of my 30 year old Yanmar. Since these are orphans, there are always new Yanmar owners showing up and asking the same novice questions that I struggled through ten years ago. My old photos are a continuing resource to help these newbies. I think it is worthwhile to keep them accessible.
   / Photos gone from old threads #14  
Ohhh okay, I see now. We plugged one hole and created another. I'll see if we can fix this. The photos are still there but the URL has changed recently.
   / Photos gone from old threads #16  
   / Photos gone from old threads #17  
Maybe I'm naive, but I can't comprehend the issues and reasoning behind *not* allowing the original author to edit or delete a post beyond 24 hours (this is not like Lerner and the IRS :c( is it? Firstly, unless it was to correct an error or update a url or link, why would someone even want to edit an old post - - and for that matter, why would anyone else care (as long as a suitable notation "EDITED/ DATE" etc was automatically inserted).

It is quite frustrating, while trying to learn from an interesting thread, to run into a post or string of posts where there are missing pictures - - it's kind of like reading a good book and finding pages have been ripped out.

   / Photos gone from old threads #19  
I was hopeful that there might be a simple resolution (that was a WAG on my part, as I don't know computers well) after I had goofed, inadvertently changing pretty much all the photo links in my posts.

So, if there's no admin resolution in the offing, I guess I have 3 choices, add a post to the "dismembered" thread, inviting anyone who would like the photos to contact me directly (easy enough, and that's what I've done). Not so effective though, I know I would not make the effort to contact a poster for photos unless there was a truly compelling reason. Second choice is to leave the threads as they are - not very useful without photos - nothing new, there are lots of frustrating threads out there. And finally, I could start a whole r'nuther thread - more effort required and adds meaningless redundancy to the database - not a good option.

Absent some procedure allowing the original poster to edit photo links, I see no good, viable workaround.

   / Photos gone from old threads
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I guess I have 3 choices, add a post to the "dismembered" thread, inviting anyone who would like the photos to contact me directly (easy enough, and that's what I've done). Not so effective though, I know I would not make the effort to contact a poster for photos unless there was a truly compelling reason. Second choice is to leave the threads as they are - not very useful without photos - nothing new, there are lots of frustrating threads out there. And finally, I could start a whole r'nuther thread - more effort required and adds meaningless redundancy to the database
Wouldn't another option be to add one more post to the threads you are concerned about, showing the missing photos or perhaps just a link to where they are now?