3-Point Hitch PTO Generator arrived today

   / PTO Generator arrived today #121  
Well, I'm out!

Some very well thought out and informative posts above but this generator train left the tracks pages ago and I should have bailed off then!Lol
   / PTO Generator arrived today
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Just my 2 cents on this thread based on a few cases in courts on product litigation and defense. What we are all seeing here is a public record of attitudes and behaviors that are a permanent part of potential witness testimony in courts. Those 'testifying' that they always follow codes, rules, procedures and principles and recommend them to the general public have not only a small or zero chance of creating or causing public or private dangers but present themselves in favorable light should something happen that involves them if some unfortunate circumstance arises.

However, a person or group who publicly short cuts rules and regulations concerning public safety is also presenting to a grand jury their attitude(s) towards others. It takes very little time and effort for search companies to dig up your attitudes and awareness and ignorance of dangerous practices to prove to a jury that you are prone to hurt others and are reckless in conduct towards them.

This goes way beyond transfer switch use. Incriminating statements like some seen here also 'color' a jury in regard to other situations: drunk driving, seat-belt use, animal, child and spouse abuse, self defense, assault and battery and even property boundary cases. The image that you present (nice, helpful, caring, prick, azz-whole, stupid, careless) on these forums carries a lot of weight when considering totally different and unrelated situations. It can be the difference between parole, not charged, public appreciation/commendation, 10 years in prison and the loss of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I've seen quite a few local cases where Facebook, Twitter, emails and other web records have been mined to review a person's character.

"A word to the wise is sufficient"

....this thread just keeps on giving. How about that 3 point generator mount and how much fun it was to fix a boat lift at the dock without needing to pull it out.....

....you mean you ran 240V welder 2’ above the waterline......blastemy you could of killed yourself and innocent fish. You need to leave that to professional boat lift weld repairists. They are edcumacated for 6 years and are the only qualified individuals to do boat lift welding on the dock near the water and at low tide.

When the day comes I’m in a courtroom and judged by my tractor forum posts I’ll be the first to admit it was my tractor PTO generator post that brought me down.....do people enjoy living anymore?
   / PTO Generator arrived today #123  
....this thread just keeps on giving. How about that 3 point generator mount and how much fun it was to fix a boat lift at the dock without needing to pull it out.....

....you mean you ran 240V welder 2’ above the waterline......blastemy you could of killed yourself and innocent fish. You need to leave that to professional boat lift weld repairists. They are edcumacated for 6 years and are the only qualified individuals to do boat lift welding on the dock near the water and at low tide.

When the day comes I’m in a courtroom and judged by my tractor forum posts I’ll be the first to admit it was my tractor PTO generator post that brought me down.....do people enjoy living anymore?

   / PTO Generator arrived today #124  
So, do you drive after a few beers because you can handle it ? How about texting while driving? Expert at this? Handle 240v live ? What you do to yourself no one probably cares about. Hurt or kill someone else, and that grin will turn into snivveling whimpers begging for forgiveness from remaining family. It's in the news all the time. Only a very few forgive. The rest want you dead, dead, dead by hanging.
   / PTO Generator arrived today
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So, do you drive after a few beers because you can handle it ? How about texting while driving? Expert at this? Handle 240v live ? What you do to yourself no one probably cares about. Hurt or kill someone else, and that grin will turn into snivveling whimpers begging for forgiveness from remaining family. It's in the news all the time. Only a very few forgive. The rest want you dead, dead, dead by hanging.

I actually do drive after having a beer or two? Is that now illegal too? I haven’t turned the news on since 9/11, has something significant happened since then? I’m behind the times I guess, just make a living, raising a family, instilling some core values, and playing with a tractor. That news stuff must be pretty good though, a bit higher level then I’m ready for.

Grin from the crazy PTO Generator owner who never did nothin wrong at least not in this thread anyways....
   / PTO Generator arrived today
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Can an admin please lock this thread.....I’ve never trolled my own thread before, but this is one for the record books.
   / PTO Generator arrived today #127  
Can an admin please lock this thread.....I’ve never trolled my own thread before, but this is one for the record books.
Look on the bright side. After the dust settled, there was some good information here.
   / PTO Generator arrived today #128  
Look on the bright side. After the dust settled, there was some good information here.

However, you might just have to dig for it and use a little bit 'o common sense to find it.

Kinda like life, I guess...
   / PTO Generator arrived today #129  
4 hour outage last week, was able to test the generator finally. Wife was able to give our kiddo his bath (well pump) and put him to bed on time. The AC cooled his bedroom (upstairs) down. It was a win all around! View attachment 555890View attachment 555891

How many RPM did you have to run your tractor?
Do you know about how long it will run the generator on a tank of fuel?
   / PTO Generator arrived today #130  
So, do you drive after a few beers because you can handle it ? How about texting while driving? Expert at this? Handle 240v live ? What you do to yourself no one probably cares about. Hurt or kill someone else, and that grin will turn into snivveling whimpers begging for forgiveness from remaining family. It's in the news all the time. Only a very few forgive. The rest want you dead, dead, dead by hanging.

They still talk about the time I said something in a meeting after someone said “there is no I in Team “. There was a long silence but a lot of smiles and grins when I said “ there is no I in smug useless coworker “.
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