Purchasing the proper chain sharpener

   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #21  
I've been following this thread because though I've got 3 chains for each of my saws to stay sharp - and it works for the most part because I don't usually do a ton of sawing - I wouldn't mind being able to sharpen up on my own for those times that I'm dulling chain fast.

Local saw shop here sharpens chains for $5 each, a day or two turnaround (I'm almost never in town two days in a row so I'm not quite sure).

Ning -

There are a lot of Youtube videos on sharpening chains, but unfortunately, unless you already know a lot about the subject (in which case you probably don't need the video), it's hard to tell which ones are garbage and which ones are gold.

If you want a great tutorial on sharpening a chainsaw, take a look at this one: The Art & Science of Chainsaw Sharpening. It's not free: $6.99 to download, or $9.99 to order a DVD (or 99¢ to "rent", but I assume that is just a 1-time viewing, which is a problem if you want to be able to reference it later). They detail the equipment needed to accurately hand-sharpen a chain, and review sharpening using a couple of different kinds of guides, demonstrating in detail how to use them. (They also have an introduction to using a chain grinder, but that is not the main focus of this video.)

I had the pleasure of learning in person from the author many years ago as part of the "Game of Logging" level two workshop he teaches. Even though I was able to get it down well from that instruction, I bought the DVD when it came out a couple of years ago. It's been great to have to lend out to my friends who are interested in learning to sharpen a saw well.

NOTE: I have no connection to the company or the sale of the video, other than the fact that I am a satisfied customer.
   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #22  
How much market is there for chain sharpening? I was thinking about doing it. I only know of 2 places that do it in town and they both do an awful job. I could make a chain sharper than they can by putting it on backwards and cutting a brick. There痴 no sarcasm there. If you saw my other chain sharpening thread I致e got the hang of it and can do a pretty good job.

Starting now I get $5.00/inch............
   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #23  
You guys must have someone on your side of the pond, but here starkiesharp.com/diamond_chainsaw_files is worth a look. Me I take the folding plastic handle off, force a short length of copper tube over the end and fit a small wooden handle over the copper tube.
   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #25  
   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #28  
This is what I got in 2 different sizes. Well, I got the Pferd versions, I believe they make the Stihl units as well.

Yep, Pferd makes them for Stihl.
   / Purchasing the proper chain sharpener #29  
The pferd works so well that it gives me a warm fuzzy to have finally found it. A tree cutting pro turned me onto it and the online source for all my tree cutting supplies. I have crossed several minor irritations off my list now after 35 years of owning and using chainsaws. I swear I'm going to have life figured out about the time mine is over.