
   / Rain #1  

1 Old Man

Silver Member
Aug 30, 2023
LS MT 573
From N.E.Tx.
Rain. Rain. And more rain. I need rain to keep my fields green and growing, my tanks full, animals happy etc.... and I know in July and August I'll be begging for some of it. But, I'm praying the All Mighty will just let up for a few weeks so I can work on
my fields, clear downed trees, spread more gravel/repair a road washout, regrade the driveway and try to catch up on other "rain-delayed" farm work. The ground is completely saturated. Two of my peach trees have drowned. I have good slope for drainage in most areas but have standing water in pastures. Last few weeks have been crazy. Rain, hail, high winds, Repeat.
Weather man says MORE on the way this week. Whoopee.
Then we'll probably have some 90*+ weather with 78% humidity!
Just letting it out......now I feel better.
   / Rain #2  
Whats rain. Havnt seen much of it since i seeded and fertilized my horse pasture. Every storm they promise doesnt happen
   / Rain #3  
And now Canada has some 100 wildfires that will be p7mping smoke into my beautiful blue skys
   / Rain #4  
April and May are our dry season, think we got like 0.03" in April. Past 3 days we have gotten about half an inch, but its mostly been just wind.
   / Rain #5  
Just had severe storms and tornado warnings in my area. I haven't gone out to check, but I don't see any damage. Winds were 70+ mph a few minutes ago.

Our rainfall year to date is right around average at 22.58" so far since Jan. 1.

I bet we got another inch or two in the past hour.
   / Rain #6  
Last summer was like that here. It rained nearly every day in June, and half of those in July. Farmers who normally get 2-3 crops of hay in only got one... and much of that was overmature.
   / Rain #7  
I enjoyed growing hay, and took pride in producing a quality product, but I never enjoyed the endless tension of hoping for and finding a weather window, and then trying to race to cut, dry, winnow, bale the hay, and get the bales off the field before the next rain. I hated to have to cut overgrown hay, long stem hay, but it had to be done some times for the health of the next cutting. Farming life. Love it.

All the best,

   / Rain
  • Thread Starter
Whats rain. Havnt seen much of it since i seeded and fertilized my horse pasture. Every storm they promise doesnt happen
We've gotten several rains with 4 1/2" to 5 1/2" in the rain gauge. A light rain lately has been 2 1/2" 😁
Wish I could send you some....
   / Rain
  • Thread Starter
I enjoyed growing hay, and took pride in producing a quality product, but I never enjoyed the endless tension of hoping for and finding a weather window, and then trying to race to cut, dry, winnow, bale the hay, and get the bales off the field before the next rain. I hated to have to cut overgrown hay, long stem hay, but it had to be done some times for the health of the next cutting. Farming life. Love it.

All the best,

I get that. Trying to avoid that exact thing, but sometimes you have to cut what you've got.