Ran over deer with mower....ugh.

   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #31  
I saw plenty of those over the last 2 days. Probably 25+ dead deer between Grand Rapids, MI and the Indiana border. Most were just laying on the side, but several had been smeared for dozens of yards. Looked like a 5 gallon bucket of red paint dumped on the road ending in a pile of furry hamburger.

I guess I'd just say, don't confuse a live body actively bleeding with a dead body leaking or smooshed across all the lanes of traffic. Worst one I saw yesterday was in 2 lanes between concrete barriers with no shoulders. Probably 75 yards of gore. 😝
when I was on the Fire Dept, we got called to a semi versus pedestrian accident. We had to wash off about 200 feet of highway.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #32  
That's something you never forget. I worked with many newspaper photographers over the years that had to cover accident and crime scenes. Not only did they have to look at things like that, they had to close one eye, focus it, compose the shot, etc. Sometimes they had to act as reporter on scene as well, and gather details from the authorities and such. One instance in particular was similar to what you describe. It greatly disturbed the young photographer. He had to go to counseling.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #33  
That's something you never forget. I worked with many newspaper photographers over the years that had to cover accident and crime scenes. Not only did they have to look at things like that, they had to close one eye, focus it, compose the shot, etc. Sometimes they had to act as reporter on scene as well, and gather details from the authorities and such. One instance in particular was similar to what you describe. It greatly disturbed the young photographer. He had to go to counseling.
This was about 2 in the morning and as we were waiting for the state patrol to measure everything before we washed the highway since it was a commercial vehicle they have to do more investigating a suburban was going south in the northbound lanes, one of the state troopers took off after him but he hit head on with another vehicle so we went to that until our rescue truck arrived then back to wash the highway.

You are correct it is something you never forget, I retired from the department 20 years ago but there are calls I still think about.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #34  
This was about 2 in the morning and as we were waiting for the state patrol to measure everything before we washed the highway since it was a commercial vehicle they have to do more investigating a suburban was going south in the northbound lanes, one of the state troopers took off after him but he hit head on with another vehicle so we went to that until our rescue truck arrived then back to wash the highway.

You are correct it is something you never forget, I retired from the department 20 years ago but there are calls I still think about.
This picture is forever burned into my memory and I didn't even see it in person:

That poor fireman, who just retired, suffered for years after that incident.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #35  
Our front yard is littered with deer bones. My neighbor butchers a lot of deer and throws the carcasses by his dam about 500 ft. from our house. I told him I don't care because both of our dogs love it and it gives them something to do and some nourishment.

The game warden showed up at his house last week. Evidently he butchered two deer for a buddy and his buddy took the carcasses away in a cardboard box to dispose of them. It turns out the box had my neighbors wife's name and address on it and he threw it in a ditch. His buddy had to clean up the mess by sundown or get ticketed. NOT A SMART MOVE!
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #36  
This was about 2 in the morning and as we were waiting for the state patrol to measure everything before we washed the highway since it was a commercial vehicle they have to do more investigating a suburban was going south in the northbound lanes, one of the state troopers took off after him but he hit head on with another vehicle so we went to that until our rescue truck arrived then back to wash the highway.

You are correct it is something you never forget, I retired from the department 20 years ago but there are calls I still think about.
Reminds me of a story my father told me about a battle field he had to clear in the south Pacific during WWII. I asked him how often he thought about it. He said almost every day.... he'd been out of the war for about 50 years.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #37  
Reminds me of a story my father told me about a battle field he had to clear in the south Pacific during WWII. I asked him how often he thought about it. He said almost every day.... he'd been out of the war for about 50 years.
Most of them didn't talk about the war much. No doubt your father only mentioned it once or twice.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #38  
I have run over quite a few fawns over the years. Usually anything over a month-2 old will run.
This year was the first year ever that I ran over and killed a fox. I think it may have been rabid.
Lots of fawns here. Even ran a full grown doe through the discbine once. That is unusual. Lost 100 rpm for a second otherwise no issues.
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #39  
Most of them didn't talk about the war much. No doubt your father only mentioned it once or twice.
He didn't talk about gory details when I was young, but still talked about things. As I got older, he filled in the details. As he was dying of cancer, the last few weeks of his life, we talked about everything, not just the war, but our entire lives, in great detail.

Although there were still a lot of things he wanted to learn about, he couldn't say he regretted anything. That's a pretty good deal. He was OK with passing and I was OK with letting him go. ;)

I think about him and my mom just about every day. All good. :)
   / Ran over deer with mower....ugh. #40  
Reminds me of a story my father told me about a battle field he had to clear in the south Pacific during WWII. I asked him how often he thought about it. He said almost every day.... he'd been out of the war for about 50 years.
A lot of us know the feeling Moss . . . your father was a hero (y).