Got the tractor back today. Apparently a Florida rodent variety ate a wire leading to the sensor. The great news is that the bucket/FEL has been leveled. Shawn, took the time when he dropped the tractor back off to me to explain the process with the loader, how he leveled it and how it’s possible that they aren’t completely level. Whatever the cause, it is less than an 1/8” of gap, where before it was over 1 3/4” of gap on one side.
This began as a boggling issue and ended up being quite pleasant and refreshing.
Got the tractor back today. Apparently a Florida rodent variety ate a wire leading to the sensor. The great news is that the bucket/FEL has been leveled. Shawn, took the time when he dropped the tractor back off to me to explain the process with the loader, how he leveled it and how it’s possible that they aren’t completely level. Whatever the cause, it is less than an 1/8” of gap, where before it was over 1 3/4” of gap on one side.
This began as a boggling issue and ended up being quite pleasant and refreshing.
Got the tractor back today. Apparently a Florida rodent variety ate a wire leading to the sensor. The great news is that the bucket/FEL has been leveled. Shawn, took the time when he dropped the tractor back off to me to explain the process with the loader, how he leveled it and how it痴 possible that they aren稚 completely level. Whatever the cause, it is less than an 1/8 of gap, where before it was over 1 3/4 of gap on one side.
This began as a boggling issue and ended up being quite pleasant and refreshing.
So from what Shawn told me (granted this was done in the Williston facility) he unbolted the FEL after placing it on blocks and then once it was leveled he had himself and another person tighten the bolts down. Apparently what happens is that one person usually installs the loader. And you have to go side to side to tighten the bolts. If it is uneven at all, the person tightening the bolts probably won’t notice. I was told that if it’s off a 1/8” at the bolt hole it could be off more at the loader itself.
I don’t know how much of this makes sense or if it’s accurate. I will say that mine is more level now than before he took it. It has barely an 1/8” of gap.
So who know, this is what I was told. But as for what was actually done, I wasn’t there.