A little more advise, buy as big as you can afford now, and buy from a local dealer, especially being that this is your first tractor. If you were an experienced tractor operator and could work on your own equipment, I’d say buy from wherever, but you are a noob, so find a good local dealer and buy from them, even if it costs you more.
As far as implements, a decent set of pallet forks will get used all the time.
You mentioned working with Georgia Extension, so not sure where that is heading as for crops, but that could really dictate where you go with attachments. 6 acre wouldn’t be a hay farm, but could be all the ground you need for specialty vegetables or something on those lines. Give some more info and would be glad give some suggestions. Also, how clear is the 6 acres? If you have a lot of trees a grapple will always come in handy. If it is already cleared, you can probably get buy with the pallet forks for all your lifting needs.