Rookie tractor buyer neds advice

   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #61  
You dont know yet, based on post 1, what you will be growing, but you want to cultivate a significant chunck. That can be done with a pto tiller, disc, plow, chisel plow, ect. Tillers are good, but also not always the best option. Depending on your soil, a disc may or may not work well.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #62  
The Kioti is a fine machine, but if you are comparing that model to a 574, it is less capable. To compare prices, it would be more like a 5320 or 6020. Or have your TYM dealer give you a price on a 494 (it's just a non-turbo 574). The 494 still has 8HP more than the Kioti, but is closer.

Ironcraft is a a solid attachment brand available at many dealers.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #63  
Personally, I think the TYP motors are better than a lot of options out there. They make some OEM Cummins motors and those with that motor can easily source parts from many places including the irrigation industry where the same motor is used.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice
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I know the main direction of this thread is size of tractor; and me and others locked onto the smoothing ground, and future cultivation; However; I don't know that we really discussed what you would be using the tractor for day to day. Are you sure a Box Blade is needed? There is an extensive thread about Box Blade vs Land Plane vs 6 way rear scraper blade. Yes, a box blade is a good tool, but is it the tool for you?

What is the existing brush/trees/undergrowth, or are we 'mowing' with the bush hog. I'm not really a big fan of my flail mower, but for grass/weeds/woody growth under 1", others seem to love them.

Are we building a driveway, grading a driveway, or do you have (or plan to hire) a good all weather drive?

I know people mentioned a grapple. Sure, they are great, but I haven't seen any task mentioned that specifically needs a grapple.

I don't know that I "need" a grapple. I expect there will be things to clear that have been laying around for years and it could be more useful than trying to do it with pallet forks or the bucket.

I am thinking the box blade will be useful for the smoothing of these elevation changes. I had a friend of a friend explain how he's done it when he was in the landscaping business. Seemed reasonable and it's not an expensive attachment. I'm not maintainng a gravel driveway or anything like that.

I did have someone bush hog the land about six months ago so things are grown up like crazy but it's mostly going to be giant weeds rather than trees. I have toyed with the flail mower idea but I don't know exactly what is there and it seems like a typical rotary cutter is the better overall option.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice
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The Kioti is a fine machine, but if you are comparing that model to a 574, it is less capable. To compare prices, it would be more like a 5320 or 6020. Or have your TYM dealer give you a price on a 494 (it's just a non-turbo 574). The 494 still has 8HP more than the Kioti, but is closer.

Ironcraft is a a solid attachment brand available at many dealers.

I'm comparing the two only in the sense that I've seen them and people I trust talk about them. I know I don't really need 50+ HP so the extra power in the 574 would just be a bonus. We don't have a large TYM dealer anywhere near me so all I could see in person was a 3515 and the 574, and I liked the 574 a lot more.

I know I could get a couple year old 6010 for a little more but I'm coming back to the reality that I started with a lot of people telling me even 25hp would work for most of my applications. I initially got pushed into higher HP because there just aren't a lot of options for 25hp cab models. Once my mind got opened to the idea of future proofing the tractor a bit, getting something 35-40hp started to make a lot more sense.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice
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So, not bashing any brand, but the budget you have will probably get a 25hp compact in JD or Kubota, with a cab and some starter impliments. That same $40k will fully equipped a 40ish hp TYM, LS, Kioti. It will also get a very nice MF1840M I think. Heck, I saw a local dealer selling a brand new (open station) MF 2860M power shuttle, with loader, for like $38,750. I would fully expect a cabbed MF2860M to be in the range of $55k, but the MF1840M cab should come in around $35k, and leave you 5k for impliments. That buys a Box Blade, Bush Hog, and Tiller, or more if you hunt used stuff.

Didn't catch your location, but I think you referenced UGA, so Georgia. Consider this, there is an absolute ton of used 6/7/8/9ft equipment through out the SE US, that is too small for 'farming' but to big for 'hobby' and you can get some screaming deals on a 3 bottom plow, or a 7/8ft disc. Sure, maybe it's a 4 hour drive to pick it up in Valdosta if your in Athens, but to save $1000 on a impliment....

Where I was trying to go with that; your not going to use a CK2620 or L2501, or TYM264 with a 6 or 7 ft disc. If you go to a DK or higher HP MF1840 or so class machine (TYM357), you open some older but actual agricultural tools to your inventory.

Another option, I haven't seen mentioned, if you really want to do pumpkins or whatever; a small cab machine for every day use; and something like a Ford 4000/MF165/265, or whatever for tillage work?

Edit: I'll add, I'm not really that familiar with the 1980s JDs/IH-Case stuff; came from a Ford/Massey area
Where is the best place to find used implements in Georgia?

I don't have a truck, but like you said if I can save $1k it's worth making a friend who has one.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #67  
Where is the best place to find used implements in Georgia?

I don't have a truck, but like you said if I can save $1k it's worth making a friend who has one.
Facebook market place is where I generally LOOK for used equipment. You can get some good deals if you are patient. Lots of junk and some scams too, but generally the real deals can be found.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #68  
I know I could get a couple year old 6010 for a little more but I'm coming back to the reality that I started with a lot of people telling me even 25hp would work for most of my applications. I initially got pushed into higher HP because there just aren't a lot of options for 25hp cab models. Once my mind got opened to the idea of future proofing the tractor a bit, getting something 35-40hp started to make a lot more sense.

What you are asking for in terms of application and utility COULD BE DONE EVENTUALLY with a lawn and garden tractor from LOWES/HOME DEPOT BUT, it will take a very long time. A 25hp diesel sub-compact can do the same a bit faster but will be slow and time consuming as well.

A 35HP to 60HP 'compact utility' tractor will work a lot better at your stated tasks.

What no one seems to have specifically mentioned, you need tractor weight and good tires to engage the ground to pull the implements you are talking about. Smoothing your land even for minor "bumps" and "dips" with a box blade will not work if you CANNOT PULL the box blade! The same can be said of some rotary cutter (Bushog) applications, especially on sloped or soft ground.

My neighbor has a Branson (now TYM owned) CABBED 37HP tractor and does work like you are talking about on a similar sized property and it works exceptionally well for him. He is ~70 your old and says it easy for him to use as well. I see him out and about with his rotary cutter a lot and often using his loader to lift heavy things and move them around. The TYP cab is a bit larger than average which you would appreciate as well.

And, be sure to check out the cabs. Smaller utility cabbed tractors can be really tight. As you get older, having a LARGER CAB matters! As you get older, knees and ankles don't work as well so, small cabs can be problematic. Even in my mid-50's and looking at ~100hp tractors, I found the JD and Kubota cabs to be harder for me to get into the driver's seat than the MASSEY I bought.
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #69  
I'm comparing the two only in the sense that I've seen them and people I trust talk about them. I know I don't really need 50+ HP so the extra power in the 574 would just be a bonus. We don't have a large TYM dealer anywhere near me so all I could see in person was a 3515 and the 574, and I liked the 574 a lot more.

For what you want, the likelihood of finding what you want on a Tractor lot is low. Considering the SIZE ($) of this purchase, I would spend the time and gas money to go to large dealers within ~150 mile radius and PERSONALLY SIT in many tractors to get a feel for what will be EASIER for you to USE!

Tractor cab ACCESS, control LAYOUT, and other factors can only be found in person where can EXPERIENCE them.

Simple things like, can you see the box blade and rotary cutter from the tractor seat? Keep in mind the box blade is close to the tractor while a 3-pt cutter is farther back. Can you see the 3-pt linkage to hook up implements? This will vary from person to person due to different body shapes and sizes and overall flexibility!

Another thing no one has mentioned, YOUR SIZE! Do you have "love handles" or a "beer belly"? Are you tall or short? Is the tractor steering wheel in a comfortable position?
   / Rookie tractor buyer neds advice #70  
IN SUMMARY: Go sit in some cabbed tractors and see if the controls are within easy reach. Is the cab easy to enter and exit (do you hit the door getting in, are the steps easy to access)? What are the 'sight lines' for you (i.e. can you see the 3-pt links and front tires)? And yes, you should drive a 2~3hr distance each way to see the tractors IN PERSON before you spend your money!

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