/ RUI? #11  
I have a good friend of mine who after drinking to much, put his keys in the glove box, climbed into the back seat and went to sleep..
He was woken up by police doing their rounds, tapping on his windows with their billy-clubs..
They insisted he get his car off the street… he said he!! NO.. about the time I put the keys in the ignition, you’ll pull me over and give me a DUI.!!! So they arrested him for public intoxication & towed his car.!!
He didn’t care, at least he didn’t get a DUI.!!
   / RUI? #12  
Used to be dui guys would take riding mowers to get their daily beers now it's unregistered scooters.
Local guy had a pink moped. He would run it down to the boat dock. Load it on his party barge. Cross the lake so he was closer to work and then hop back on the moped.
   / RUI? #14  
I have a good friend of mine who after drinking to much, put his keys in the glove box, climbed into the back seat and went to sleep..
He was woken up by police doing their rounds, tapping on his windows with their billy-clubs..
They insisted he get his car off the street… he said he!! NO.. about the time I put the keys in the ignition, you’ll pull me over and give me a DUI.!!! So they arrested him for public intoxication & towed his car.!!
He didn’t care, at least he didn’t get a DUI.!!
Years ago, I had someone spike my drink at a bar thinking it was funny.

Not sure what they put in it, but it made me sick as he!!. It was 5° outside and all I had was a regular cap pickup.

Cop found me in the bars parking lot with the truck running and me stretched put across the seat of the truck.

I explained to the officer that I had only 1 drink that night. And that I thought someone spiked my drink with something. I only drank about half of the drink and then got sick as the dickens.

Cop was actually pretty cool about it. Apparently I wasn't the first person that he had found out in the parking lot in similar fashion. The Cop did ask about whom I was hanging out with since he was trying to figure put who was spiking drinks there.

I went to a walk in clinic the next day and had them perform a drug test on me. Someone laced my drink with ecstasy.