rules prohibiting political discussions

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   / rules prohibiting political discussions #1  


Super Member
Oct 22, 2006
At the risk of being drawn, and quartered: :D

Understanding the basic concept that this is a tractor forum, and that there are other venues for this type of discussion, I still can't help wondering why politics is such a taboo subject.

While I often appreciate the moderators being somewhat forgiving, when a discussion edges sometimes over this line. I have followed several very civil, and interesting discussions that were cut off in the prime of their lives, due to this rule, sometimes by one, or two posters.

If the main reason for this is rule is due to the tendency for the discussions to get ugly, then perhaps their should also be limits on other things, like mig vs, stick, (also not exactly tractor related), which has certainly seen more than it's share of animosity.

I am wondering if other members would join me in appealing to the TBN hierarchy for more latitude in this area.

Politics is a very hot topic right now, and certainly, people are interested, and concerned, right now. This is unquestionably an important subject.

May I suggest, perhaps the discussions would not be ended, provided ideas are being exchanged, and the discussions remain civil. Were mostly adults here, and can benefit in the exchange of these ideas, just as well as any others.

I am sure some will be adamantly opposed to this idea, there are always other threads to go to if the discussion is not to your liking, just as we do now.
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #2  
At the risk of being drawn, and quartered: :D

If the main reason for this is rule is due to the tendency for the discussions to get ugly, then perhaps their should also be limits on other things, like mig vs, stick, (also not exactly tractor related), which has certainly seen more than it's share of animosity.

I didn't know things got canned because they weren't tractor related. There are alot of discussions that aren't tractor related... If the site only allowed tractor discussions. I think there would be very few dicussions on here. You can only discuss tractors so much
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #3  
Political decussions are not relevant anymores,they are all the same,none of them have any sense,and voting is a waste of time.[hows that?]
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #4  
Im all for a Off Topic type area. We're all adults here and hopefully can have discussions on politics and other things that are of concern besides tractors.

Maybe have it in an area where you have to be 18+? Im not opposed to some moderation to keep things civil. Nobody could force someone to go to an off topic area if they didnt want to. I think its something that we should try.
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #5  
+1 on op topic
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #6  
I didn't know things got canned because they weren't tractor related. There are alot of discussions that aren't tractor related... If the site only allowed tractor discussions. I think there would be very few dicussions on here. You can only discuss tractors so much

After discussing tractors gets tiring, you start talking about implements, and then projects done with them, and then what you need to fix what you broke, and last, what you can buy next with the CHECKS from our new preziden.
David from jax
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #7  
It's not just politics that's off limits, but a variety of topics that are impossible to discuss. Politics just stands out as the most common of them because it's probably the one that comes up the most often.

It is very rare, almost impossible, to change a persons mind about their political view. One persons facts are another persons lies. If you are right and I am wrong, then I don't like you for telling me this and I will resent you for doing so. It will only get worse from there.

One of the reasons TBN is such a great place is because we all get along. From time to time a discussion might get carried away, but it rarely crosses a line that is common in forums that allow politics to be discussed. If we both espress our views and we both feel strongly that we are right with the other being wrong, what comes next? Maybe we can remain civil, but in an open forum, you cannot garantee that everybody else will.

It's just a matter of time unitl name calling and insults take over. The less a person knows and the dumber he/she is, the more they will depend on insults and name calling to make their point. It's like yelling louder to make your point.

Im' not refering to anybody here, and just using the terms of others to illustrate my point. I don't know who disagrees with me here on politics or religion or anything else, and really don't care to find out. All I care about is how to work the land, move dirt, take out trees and enjoy living out in the country.

   / rules prohibiting political discussions #8  
There are lots of forums for political discussions.

Anyone can join & post at many of them.

I am very opinionated on politics (Atilla the Hun wing of the Libertarian Party), and I read a lot of political forums.

I really enjoy TBN because it is a bunch of guys and a few gals who like to live in the country, build things, drive machines and can get along without politics.

We don't need to screw that up.
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #9  
We try to keep discussions civil. Politics has a way of bringing out the beast in people. Most of us on this forum respect each other even if we've never met, not many here show much respect for politicians. As Harry Truman said when he was asked why he became a politician, " I had the choice of playing piano in a house of ill repute or becoming a politician, and frankly I don't see the difference."
   / rules prohibiting political discussions #10  
For me, there's a lot of irony in you bringing up this thread. I love to debate politics. As of late, I feel like I'm alone in my thoughts and have really wanted to try and bring some issues up, here, to discuss. Most of us are independent/self-reliant, free thinking, hard working, etc., here. So I thought I might find some like minded folks.

However, I really like being able to come here- not knowing what anyone's political beliefs are- and talking tractors, welders, plowing, apples, implements, ATV's and just anything related to country living. I know people would look at each other a little differently after a heated political debate. Like Eddie said, people aren't going to change each other's minds......typically, on internet political debate, it boils down to splitting hairs, spelling and grammatical nazis and some that just like to stir the pot.

I'd sure hate to be the moderator that had to look over the forum on politics.;)
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