saga of neat neighbor & survey

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #21  
Patrick, if I don't leave out details I'd never get to the end of one of my stories /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif.

1.Everyone else's fence post (many signs had been removed several times)

2. Roared up due to Cherry Bomb muffler, oooh he's cool!

3. Public Road, we were at the other end of a pasture where the neighbor has a deck with thrower just for this type of activity. Birds on his property.

4. Excellent shot? You assume too much.

5. Mental abilities? He's probably giving HIS $600 to the Democratic Party /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey
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Kerr, It is as clear as crystal now but I read your post 3 times before it gelled in my head. Not a recent event, huh?

I've talked with the local sheriffs deputies. One ran to my neighbor to tell him I was checking up (neighbor is ex cop) which really upset my paranoid neighbor. The other deputy for this area is a real nice young fella and explained to me the way it was... The prosecuters just don't care about stuff like trespass. They have limited funds, time, and interests. This will not get them votes if they have political aspirations, won't get then recognition if they are seeking promotion, recognition, or political aspirations again, and it is small stuff, not a news story like a meth lab or hostage or anything to get their name in the news.

The nice young deputy did tell me what he recommended I do if I want to control the situation. Get a restraining order on them to prohibit their being on my property. Then if they do trespass and miracle of miracles the law arrives and catches them in the act, the cop doesn't have disgression but must proceed on it. When the judge issues a restraining order that is a court order and the cop doesn't want to get in trouble from above him in the chain so he would sort of be forced to a certain minimum response. Of course that would undoubtedly lead to a series of unprovable actions against me and mine. The guy lives on disability from lawsuits etc. and has nothing to do all day but watch big screen TV and reload for his large calibre handguns which makes us jump at the beginning of each shooting session. His wife's mother has collected insurance for house fires (yes plural). One of my friends had a house in town years ago next door to her. It caught fire (hows that for stating it in neutral terms) volunteer fire dept put it out, she came back and relit it, they put it out again. I met a lineman for local electric utility who who had a shut off order to process (turn her electricity off) she threatened to shoot him off the pole so he left and drove a mile or so away to another switch that could shut her off and did it. Last winter neighbor's wife's sister's place burned down, total loss. It just goes on and on and on. Her family has a history of lawsuits. HIs background isn't a recommendation for eagle scout.

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #23  
So what's the problem?

I'd invite them over for dinner...

Kinda like... the last supper.../w3tcompact/icons/crazy.gif

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #24  
Sounds like this dude and his clan could qualify for the JERRY SPRINGER SHOW!!

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey
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Last supper????? It wasn't a movie that Clint Eastwood was best remembered for but I liked "Beguiled". Uh, pass the mushrooms please, oh am I hogging them, doesn't anyone else want any?

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #26  
Had a good crop this year,only neighborly ta share.
   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #27  

Oh, all right then...

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.... /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #28  
You looking for this one John?


(Not willing to reveal his secret source of images just yet)/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

Here's another I like ...


'cepting of course I hope that patrickg doesn't end up at the wrong end of his neighbor's large caliber handgun!!

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #30  
Do you have some old t-posts? Maybe you could set just enough to get a string up, so you can "see" where the rest of the posts need to go. See if he messes with them. If he does not, then keep fence building.
If he does mess with them, then you are not out much for the cost of a few beat up old t-posts. Also, you could show that you started in good faith, building a fence with your own materials, for which this neighbor did not assis.

That letter of Von's was good too.

The other thing to think about, since it does appear you have been stone-walled, is thast it is usually easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

It sure stinks that people gotta be that way...

RobertN in Shingle Springs Calif