saga of neat neighbor & survey

   / saga of neat neighbor & survey #81  
Get that fence in place!!!! If you can afford it - hire a fence company to do it (everything is well documented that way) and photograph it when completed.

I'd look at ways to inflict "self-induced" punishment to trespassers. /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif Make sure that the person caught is clearly in the act of trespassing and that it is posted. A surveillance camera could be invaluable (and great to watch afterwards).

It's not funny, but you can have fun thinking up the revenge situations. It helps to relieve some of your tension and add some humor to the situation.

Scatter a hole pile of roofing nails (unavoidable, that is) in a spot that is driven over by the trespasser and in a very inconvenient spot to get a flat tire(s). You can pick them up later with a magnet.

Partially bury a board full of nails (a bit too obvious)

Fence in a nasty bull in an area just inside the gate

Put an electric fence charger to the gate (out of sight and protected - just run buried insulated wire to it)

Funny how nasty potholes can just crop up out of nowhere on a stretch where people like to drive fast.

Plant poison Ivy around a "bait" (like the no trespassing signs), or coat a bait with Super glue or some kind of nasty compound (poison ivy, itch powder, manure).

Put a billboard in plain view from his house (only) announcing "future site of ...... (use your imagination here - pig farm, trailer park, fanatical religious group, garbage dump, rodeo bull farm, etc.)

Now that I've gotten you started, I expect we'll hear some real dandies that may even be worth trying.

Pat (Techno-Tractor Mom)
   / saga of neat neighbor & survey
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Pat, Flights of fancy not withstanding, giving them a basis for a lawsuit to take the land and what little money I have left after buying it away from us is not the cleverest thing I could do.

Literary note: Did you read, "Sailing Alone Around the World" by Joshua Slocum? He was a retired square rigger captain who did what the title of his book implied, A N D he did it first... way back then. When anchored in a cove in Tiera del Fuego and fearing attack by Tiera del Fuegian indians he scattered carpet tacks on deck and went to bed. Later he was gratified to hear the mortifying cries of indians jumping back and forth from one foot to the other making their plight worse with each errant hop. (Tiera del Fuegians had access to precious few lawyers)

I need an act of God or something for which I can't be held even partially liable.

A fence company is an unbudgeted expense but might have to just be tollerated.

I do appreciate the humorous suggestions, worth a chuckle just imagining the immediate result, just prior to the fuselade or other retribution (and the inevitable trip to jail because you are suggesting clearly illegal things). You see the bad guys have the advantage because they can do anything while us guys with the white hats can't. I don't worry about the small stuff like a burned/defaced POSTED sign. I'm in this for the long haul. Over time, their degrees of freedom will be restricted. Things will tighten up a knotch or two every so often like an anaconda in slow motion. I am actually relishing the knowledge that my "worthy" adversary is being lulled into a false sense of superiority.
