Scam? I think so.

   / Scam? I think so. #41  
[That is not the location listed on Craig's list].
Thats all I would have needed to know to call "scam." :)
   / Scam? I think so. #42  
I have had excellent experience on CL up until now. Buying and selling. So much easier and cleaner than eBay. You just have to be alert I guess.
I sold my MF1250 on Craig's List last year. I have bought and sold dozens of items there and have never had a problem. Just lucky I guess?
   / Scam? I think so. #43  

As I mentioned before, I'm a widow and now I'm here in *******, ** staying with my parents. [That is not the location listed on Craig's list].
The tractor is already at the shipping company in Roanoke sealed and ready for shipping. My presence won't be necessary because I prearranged the deal with Continental Freight Shippers. The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your address in 3-4 days. You will have 5 days to try out prior to making any purchase and if by any reason you find something you don't like about it you can send it back at my expense. If you are interested in knowing more info about how it works, I can ask Continental Freight Shippers to send you an email with more information on how to purchase it. Continental Freight Shippers will contact you shortly after they have the details with all the confirmation that you need to complete this deal and you will also have proof that I am covered by them and a legitimate seller.
If you would like to receive the email from Continental Freight Shippers with all the transaction information please reply with your full name, shipping address and phone # and they will call you right away.
Hope to hear from you soon."

This is obviously written by a Man. You can't hide the two ways that men and women write. This has testosterone smeared all over it.
   / Scam? I think so. #44  
The "freight company" web site has an extensive page on their escrow process. It screams scam (our process = "you send money, we then send goods").

The US DOT number they show on the site belongs to a freight broker with a different LLC name, in Gary, IN, rather than the Laurel, MD address of the freight company.

The freight company's listed address is a garden-style office park building with four suites. As best I can tell, it is occupied by a message therapist, a pest control company, a medical services company, and a consulting firm.

If you're going to call anyone, call the FBI, your local PD, and/or the Laurel, MD PD. It's a high enough dollar value that one of those agencies might pursue it, at least far enough to get the web site yanked. Cloudflare is being used as a front-end cache for the web site, which further obscures the origin of the site. Cloudflare is a reputable company. They might be willing to block the account if credible proof of abuse/scam reaches them.
   / Scam? I think so. #45  
Please don't take this as disrespectful. It has been my experience that docs get scammed or at least are the targets of scams because docs have access to more $$ than most.
   / Scam? I think so. #46  
SCAM SCAM SCAM Freakn' unreal how many of these exist. Always the same mo. On FB they're in Holiday Mode. Same scam.
   / Scam? I think so. #47  
when i sold my JD870 i posted in craigslist that i will ONLY sell it to someone that shows up at my house with cash. i would help haul it if its local. before i did that, i was getting all sorts of spam calls....ill send you 2x the amount bt check, you send tractor and the other half type of emails. i even saw pics of my tractor show up on other ads trying to sell it for less than i was asking.....of course saying it was with shipping company ready to ship.

i sure get tired of these scams. i see $100,000 living quarter horse trailers for sale for $7,500 incl free shipping. it got yo where i dont even look at Craigslist anymore.
   / Scam? I think so. #49  
In another thread I was complaining about a listing on Craig's list that sounded too good to be true and that the person who listed it replied back to me once and then not again.

Well, today I got a reply with a name and the pictures I requested. The tractor looks fantastic. The location of the tractor, according to Craig's list is about 2 hours from me. I sent the seller, who says she is selling her recently deceased husband's tractor, a list of dates that I could come and pay cash for the tractor. This is the reply I got:

As I mentioned before, I'm a widow and now I'm here in *******, ** staying with my parents. [That is not the location listed on Craig's list].
The tractor is already at the shipping company in Roanoke sealed and ready for shipping. My presence won't be necessary because I prearranged the deal with Continental Freight Shippers. The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your address in 3-4 days. You will have 5 days to try out prior to making any purchase and if by any reason you find something you don't like about it you can send it back at my expense. If you are interested in knowing more info about how it works, I can ask Continental Freight Shippers to send you an email with more information on how to purchase it. Continental Freight Shippers will contact you shortly after they have the details with all the confirmation that you need to complete this deal and you will also have proof that I am covered by them and a legitimate seller.
If you would like to receive the email from Continental Freight Shippers with all the transaction information please reply with your full name, shipping address and phone # and they will call you right away.
Hope to hear from you soon.

So, this obviously looks fishy. I cannot find a company with the exact name of Continental Freight Shippers but there are a few with very similar names. My wife, who is an excellent researcher, could not find a person by the name the seller gave me in the area that the Craig's list posting originated from except for someone who is deceased. Craig's list also says only to buy face-to-face. The part about trying it for 5 days and sending it back at the seller's expense sounds ridiculous too.

I sent her my work number and address. I'll play along and try to be an optimist just because I want it to be real (the pictures show a sweet tractor!). I'm normally a realist....pessimist according to my wife.

It makes me sad and angry that we live in this kind of world. It also makes me disappointed in myself that I'm still hoping this might be legit.

Curious if others have seen this sort of thing?
You can't buy that! She was selling her deceased husband's tractor to me!
In another one, a different person had a NH.

Oh, BTW, there were actually two of the exact same photos of the Kubota from two different people in two different states. One the "widow" and another from some guy. LOL
   / Scam? I think so. #50  
I sold my MF1250 on Craig's List last year. I have bought and sold dozens of items there and have never had a problem. Just lucky I guess?
"Lucky" like a fox, perhaps? ;)