Scam? I think so.

   / Scam? I think so. #71  
My day job is web sites. Many of my clients spend ad $$$ on FB, so I can't avoid it entirely due to work/technical demands. I don't use the social aspects of FB. FB marketplace is a relatively new use for me, only because my preferred Craigslist, has been losing traffic to FB marketplace. Maybe, with the scams, that will reverse. Hope so. Wouldn't shed any tears if FB fell into a black hole.
I have a FB account, that is not associated with my personal life in any way, because I have the same need. I need to see how things work. But it's been months since I used it. Like others, I have no social media accounts, at least none that can be traced back directly to me. I have an issue with privacy and I know what data is collected because the company I work for is in the business of exploiting that data to increase sales for our clients. I have used FB marketplace to sell things but I have a different account that I use for that.
   / Scam? I think so. #72  
I have a FB account, that is not associated with my personal life in any way, because I have the same need. I need to see how things work. But it's been months since I used it. Like others, I have no social media accounts, at least none that can be traced back directly to me. I have an issue with privacy and I know what data is collected because the company I work for is in the business of exploiting that data to increase sales for our clients. I have used FB marketplace to sell things but I have a different account that I use for that.
You are familiar with tracking cookies, right?
   / Scam? I think so. #74  
When I was tractor shopping in late 2017 I venture to say at least 98% of the ads on Craigslist were scams. Yet eventually I found my current Kubota on the Boise (Idaho) Craigslist. So legit deals are out there - just have to be careful when sorting through them.
   / Scam? I think so. #75  
I have found the same to be true for uneducated people.

But, the accurate observation is that most people don't have common sense.
No, it's definitely more likely to be absent with educated people.
   / Scam? I think so. #79  
You don't know what 'educated' is? What do you think this 'educated' is that is inferior in common sense?
I think that there is a difference between education and indoctrination. Seeing more of the latter than the former in recent decades. There is more focus of late on critical race theory than on critical thinking. There is a deliberate dumbing down of our society that is taking place primarily at the schools but very much helped along by the entertainment culture. They can express "feelings" but few can actually explain the basis for these feelings in a thoughtful, rational way. The blind obedience of mob-think ingrained into many of our youth is absolutely inferior to common sense.