Search engine

   / Search engine #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
I don't see a forum for this, so I will ask a question here.

I am using Google Chrome and it works fine except this Yahoo thing.

I am having a big problem with Yahoo taking over my search engine and have read lots of info how to fix the problem.

I have reset Google settings hundreds of times.

I keep making Google my default engine, but Yahoo gets in somehow and changes things.

Everyday I am resetting Google settings. I am beyond pissed.

I have followed all recommendations I have read.

I have removed any suspicious program.

Scanned everything with Malware fighter, and Spybot.

I have searched on the computer for anything Yahoo and deleted it.

I am hoping one of you or some of you can help me with this problem.

This kind of action should be against the law. Perhaps a class action lawsuit would alleviate the problem.

I call them bastards for all the headache in dealing with this problem.

Someone has to have the magic answer how they are doing it and how to block them.

Rant for the day.

Did I say I am pissed.
   / Search engine #2  
Hey JJ does sound very suspicious and also does sound like malware of some sort. I wasn't sure if you had read this thread but it seems to have a good rate of success for many of the users on it.

Google Groups
   / Search engine #3  
My Dad asked me to look at his lap top the other day for the same reason. I didn't know how to stop it from switching back so I will be watching this closely.
   / Search engine #4  
Hey JJ does sound very suspicious and also does sound like malware of some sort. I wasn't sure if you had read this thread but it seems to have a good rate of success for many of the users on it.
Google Groups
I have also seen similar issues with "Search Conduit"

Aaron Z
   / Search engine #5  

You might want to take a look at your Chrome browser extensions and make sure there is nothing there that you don't want. When in doubt, disable/remove it.


The above link in your Chrome address bar should take you there. Good luck!
   / Search engine #6  

In Google Chrome under settings you will see an option that says on startup, and below it is 3 options. Select open a specific page, and then click set pages to see if it already has an option entered. If not try entering, and see if that solves your issue.


Go into chrome's addons/extensions and disable or remove the yahoo stuff.
   / Search engine #7  
Curious what antivirus program you use? If you haven't tried it, I find AVG works well to keep out almost everything on this planet. YMMV
   / Search engine #9  
   / Search engine #10  
Curious what antivirus program you use? If you haven't tried it, I find AVG works well to keep out almost everything on this planet. YMMV

AVG used to be great, but be careful now. They've lost some of their integrity and allow all sorts of crap to download with your anti-virus. I'm an IT guy and when a colleague suggested an AVG download to solve a problem I took the advice but unfortunately since I had not had any troubles with them in the past I did not take time to read all the verbiage on each window and wound up with a potfull of crapware. Tried and tried to remove it all, but couldn't get it all out. Bits and pieces left on the machine reloaded apps I had removed. Eventually I just wiped the hard drive and reinstalled Win7 and all the other programs required by my job. Microsoft's malware removal tool works fine keeping me safe on my home machines and no worries about crapware getting loaded. My $0.02


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