Senior Moment

   / Senior Moment #41  
I blame most all of my memory problems on my youth. I tested to many 9 volt batteries with my tongue. I think I fried some brain circuits. :laughing:

Uh, Oh... that was my favorite testing method too..:eek:
   / Senior Moment #42  
Yes, that can play some part in it all. I'd heard, and I'm not sure it was a ruse or not, that as we age we have taken on a LOT more information and retrieval of information becomes a bit more difficult as our brains have to rummage around through a lot more stuff.

My friend puts it this way. Your brain is like a stadium. Each cell has a seat. So you want to remember the name of the new neighbor next door or what the wife asked you to get at the grocery store on the way home. The seat with that particular bit of information is empty because that cell is out getting a hotdog. That's why you can remember it later.
   / Senior Moment #43  
Well I just recovered from a Senior Weekend! I lost my truck keys on Friday... today they showed up inside my underwear in the laundry basket.

Sure glad you added those last 4 words. :laughing:
   / Senior Moment #44  
Well I just recovered from a Senior Weekend! I lost my truck keys on Friday... today they showed up inside my underwear in the laundry basket.

Best part I found them before the better half. I have a tendency to suggest that she has something to do with me misplacing things as she is always sweet in picking up after me. Now I have to make up a good reason why/how they got there.

Pretty much every spring or fall I lose our shed/garage keys and pretty much the next spring or fall fall I find them again in the pocket of one of my ratty hooded sweatshirts.... I only wear those spring and fall.
   / Senior Moment #45  
I've started leaving the keys to my vehicles "stashed" in/on the vehicle. I get so tired/upset having to walk back to the house to get a set of keys.

And @ 74 - I've decided that its long past time start going the other way with my age. A month ago, I fell while limbing a large downed pine tree. My hand is finally feeling better. As I progressively get younger I don't expect to fall so often and it certainly will not take so long to heal.

I will gladly relinquish wisdom, that comes with age, for agility/strength that comes with youth. I won't be giving up much anyway.

Keyless entry with the remote (and house key) always in my pocket.. I have 4 sets. One for each pair of pants :D
   / Senior Moment #46  
Today went out to fire up the tractor. Key was not where I left it in the corner of the tool box. Looked for it over and hour, then went in the house to find the spare on the key rack. Then I remembered I used it last week. So back out to the tractor and more looking under the seat, on top of the trans through the various holes around the seat. Then something hit me in the head while I was looking under the dash by the was in the ignition switch with the small key chain flash light hanging down? Never thought to look there as I always put it in the tool box.

I was having a Homer Moment DOH!!!!!!!

PS I found the spare on top of a hay bale this afternoon along with the gloves I have been looking for - right in plane sight.
   / Senior Moment #47  
And the hits just keep coming...

Finished making up some pipe for a riser for an electrical connection in my soon-to-be-built new garage/shop. Went to my old "shop" to fetch my "caution" tape (for burial) and dug through as much as I could to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore (I can't take more than one step in any direction w/o having to pick something up and move it out of my way, and then move it out of my way as I back out of where I end up). Just about ready to give up and go buy some new tape when I spotted it. The one box, a clear plastic tub that you can look in to, that I had initially thought it was in, it was in; just wasn't in that box as I'd had it registered in my mind- thought that it was on top of that box but it was at the bottom. In more orderly times I'd had this box (and others) stacked on a shelf, stacked such that that box would have been more at eye level: it was remembered as being "up," so I didn't look "down."

It's all like going by some outdated GPS maps. You have a view of things that are no longer so, and rather than actually navigating (finding what you are looking for) you are trying to change everything back to what it used to be in order to find what you're looking for.

Of course, all this rambling could yet be just another senior moment.:laughing:
   / Senior Moment #48  
And the hits just keep coming... Finished making up some pipe for a riser for an electrical connection in my soon-to-be-built new garage/shop. Went to my old "shop" to fetch my "caution" tape (for burial) and dug through as much as I could to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore (I can't take more than one step in any direction w/o having to pick something up and move it out of my way, and then move it out of my way as I back out of where I end up). Just about ready to give up and go buy some new tape when I spotted it. The one box, a clear plastic tub that you can look in to, that I had initially thought it was in, it was in; just wasn't in that box as I'd had it registered in my mind- thought that it was on top of that box but it was at the bottom. In more orderly times I'd had this box (and others) stacked on a shelf, stacked such that that box would have been more at eye level: it was remembered as being "up," so I didn't look "down." It's all like going by some outdated GPS maps. You have a view of things that are no longer so, and rather than actually navigating (finding what you are looking for) you are trying to change everything back to what it used to be in order to find what you're looking for. Of course, all this rambling could yet be just another senior moment.:laughing:

What's MUCH worse is when your wife "tidies up" the garage or boathouse, especially if she cleans up the work bench. That can set you back months!

On the other hand, I often discover that I have several copies of a particular tool.
   / Senior Moment #49  
Yep, that's about the way it goes. The boob tube is good for one thing and that's getting me to sleep. Sometimes I get up and turn it on at about 2 or so, usually about 15min later I'm gone again. If it's anytime after 4:30, I'll give up, get up and make the coffee.
The Woman and I have rediscovered the boob tube. We watch TV episodes from 50+ years ago that we remember were good when we saw them as kids but can't remember what actually happened.