Should i get a tractor?

   / Should i get a tractor? #1  


New member
Jan 22, 2022
Ls 470dtc
A few years ago I lucked into a friend trying to clear out his shop and purchased his 2005 case 450 skid steer. It is a an 82 horsepower machine with cab, hydraulic couplers, high flow, two speed, and all the goodies. I use it for everything and really enjoy it.

I find myself wanting a tractor but not being able to justify one. I can do pretty much everything I want with the skid (now that it has over the tire tracks) and have a high flow 3 point adaptor and forestry mulcher for it that does more than any tractor can.

As I see it, I'm only missing a backhoe (though they make them for skids) and I would rarely use that. It is a heavy machine and is hard on the grass, but otherwise does everything I ask of it.

What would a tractor offer that the skid steer doesn't?
   / Should i get a tractor? #2  
I have an older/smaller case 1840 and thought I did not need the tractor and was doing everything with it, they got an old Kubota B7800 for very little, it is my go to for ease of getting in and out and I now drag and fix my road with the box blade and the landscape rake and love it. at 74 it is getting more difficult to jump in and out of the skidsteer doing things myself.
   / Should i get a tractor? #3  
PTO shaft, tractor with FEL may load faster than skid steer, not sure what else.

Sounds like you've got a pretty nice machine there.
   / Should i get a tractor? #4  
A tractor is much easier on a lawn, makes a better lawn mower and best of all, you can get off the tractor with the loader raised. But you have a pretty capable machine. My question is: What is it that you want to do that you can't? If its backhoe work, I think many here will tell you that a dedicated industrial backhoe or mini excavator will work circles around a compact tractor mounted hoe.

I was in your shoes: I had a Bobcat 753 (small 43 HP ss) and wanted a tractor for mowing and field mowing. My Kubota doesn't have as robust a loader like the SS, but I didn't sacrifice as much as I expected. Grading is much easier with the SS. I'm glad I made the switch because its primary function is mowing.

I will say though, you probably won't find a tractor capable of running the mulcher head. For that alone, I'd keep the Case and look to add a machine that will do what you are lacking now. Look at the market now, there are no "cheap" skidsteers. So if you sold/traded and wanted to replace it in the future, it will cost you a fortune.
   / Should i get a tractor? #5  
Many good points mentioned above. I personally just like the handiness and versatility of a compact to subcompact tractor. They all have their limitations but overall, a tractor and FEL are an awesome thing for yardwork and many home projects. Yes, a CTL or skid steer have a more robust loader and better hydraulics but many times I just need the loader to carry tools and things when I am working or moving from job to job. Way easier to mount and dismount from a tractor than a CTL or skid steer.
Get a tractor and keep your other machines.
   / Should i get a tractor?
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That was my thought. I can't see getting rid of the skid, if for no other reason than the mulcher head (which is set at 40gpm hydraulic flow). While i don't currently own a tractor I have had several over the years, and the skid steer puts them to shame for loader work. With the three point adaptor i can even run the 84 inch howard selectilth I inherited. I don't know how heavy it is but my old 47 horse landtrac 4wd would barely pick it up on the 3 point and wouldn't think about it on the fel. It was so heavy on the rear the landtrac had to keep the bucket full of dirt to keep the front wheels on the ground. The skid steer throws it around without problem, just have to run backwards to till, which is a pain but not a big deal for the tiny garden plot I have.

Being able to leave the cab with the loader up is certainly a strong argument for a tractor, particularly for cutting trees. I like using the grapple to pick logs off the ground then cross cut at waist height with a chainsaw. Currently though i have a teenager, which gives me an excuse to sit in the air-conditioned cab while he runs the chainsaw; even better. Maybe one day I'll end up with tractor to round out my stable.
   / Should i get a tractor?
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I should add, I don't own a mower and don't mow my own grass. I enjoy messing around with the equipment but still work full time and the time/money ratio favors paying someone to mow my 3 acres. I find the work cathartic but need to be able to walk away when I need a break
   / Should i get a tractor? #8  
What would a tractor offer that the skid steer doesn't?
Unless you need to plow, skid steer attachments seem to cover about everything you could put on a 3pt tractor hitch.

Count yourself fortunate to have gotten a good skid steer when the getting was good.
   / Should i get a tractor? #9  
Sounds like a perfect example of different strokes for different folks. Or, not everyone has the same needs from their equipment. I've thought about getting a newer tractor to replace my 8N, but that old jungle gym of a Wagner loader has a higher lift height than most all of similar class modern loader tractors, and I use that height frequently as I use my loader for lifting things 99.9% of the time. If the bucket fell off tomorrow, I wouldn't even miss it. Others would consider it something that would make the tractor useless.

Same with the PTO. I've never once used the PTO, and don't see myself ever using it. Others can't fathom how a tractor without a PTO could even exist, lol.
   / Should i get a tractor?
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Unless you need to plow, skid steer attachments seem to cover about everything you could put on a 3pt tractor hitch.

Count yourself fortunate to have gotten a good skid steer when the getting was good.
I feel like I did okay. $13000 for solid unit with 1039 hours on it. I did have to buy tracks (4k) before it was really useful but I enjoy it now.

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