Should i get a tractor?

   / Should i get a tractor?
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Sounds like a perfect example of different strokes for different folks. Or, not everyone has the same needs from their equipment. I've thought about getting a newer tractor to replace my 8N, but that old jungle gym of a Wagner loader has a higher lift height than most all of similar class modern loader tractors, and I use that height frequently as I use my loader for lifting things 99.9% of the time. If the bucket fell off tomorrow, I wouldn't even miss it. Others would consider it something that would make the tractor useless.

Same with the PTO. I've never once used the PTO, and don't see myself ever using it. Others can't fathom how a tractor without a PTO could even exist, lol.
My grandfather used a diesel 8n to run the tiller I inherited. Great machine. No fel on it but he had a Ford 4400 industrial backhoe that was also a workhorse. That was his primary tool and he did everything on it except tilling the garden. I think it turned over 30k hours before he died. My original post was a bit tongue in cheek as the correct answer is always more machines
   / Should i get a tractor? #12  
Plenty of ways I can think of to improve that old iron, but dang if it ain't reliable...same with my '59 International amenities, slow as mollasses in January, but hands down the most reliable vehicle I've ever owned, lol
   / Should i get a tractor? #13  
You sure bought that right. My preference would be to keep the skidsteer, and look for a good deal on a compact tractor. That will take a while, so it will give you time to mull over makes, models, sizes, and prices. It took me over a year of looking to get my last tractor. When the right tractor and deal becomes available - you'll know it.
   / Should i get a tractor?
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My grandfather used a diesel 8n to run the tiller I inherited. Great machine. No fel on it but he had a Ford 4400 industrial backhoe that was also a workhorse. That was his primary tool and he did everything on it except tilling the garden. I think it turned over 30k hours before he died. My original post was a bit tongue in cheek as the correct answer is always more machines
Sorry. He did have a 8n. He used the Ford 881 diesel more though. He was a bit of a collector, mostly of old state surplus equipment (ie the backhoe multiple road tractors with Detroit diesels and somewhat implausibly for a 20 acre hobby farm, a heavily used d9 cat with cable blade lift)
   / Should i get a tractor? #15  
   / Should i get a tractor? #16  
Years ago I bought a Bobcat 773 with smooth bucket a set of forks from a buddy. Used it to do the stuff the BIG tractor had trouble doing easily. Now I've downsized the tractor to MX5200 and I have a 5k Cat forklift. Between those 2 I could sell the SS and not miss it very often... like you say at 70 climbing in and out of the 773 is a chore and it can't be done safely when the bucket is raised... The machine is sort of a 2 man machine, you need a ground crew and spotter.
I'd sell the SS and buy a nice Tractor
   / Should i get a tractor? #17  
That was my thought. I can't see getting rid of the skid, if for no other reason than the mulcher head (which is set at 40gpm hydraulic flow). While i don't currently own a tractor I have had several over the years, and the skid steer puts them to shame for loader work. With the three point adaptor i can even run the 84 inch howard selectilth I inherited. I don't know how heavy it is but my old 47 horse landtrac 4wd would barely pick it up on the 3 point and wouldn't think about it on the fel. It was so heavy on the rear the landtrac had to keep the bucket full of dirt to keep the front wheels on the ground. The skid steer throws it around without problem, just have to run backwards to till, which is a pain but not a big deal for the tiny garden plot I have.

Being able to leave the cab with the loader up is certainly a strong argument for a tractor, particularly for cutting trees. I like using the grapple to pick logs off the ground then cross cut at waist height with a chainsaw. Currently though i have a teenager, which gives me an excuse to sit in the air-conditioned cab while he runs the chainsaw; even better. Maybe one day I'll end up with tractor to round out my stable.
I've had and ran a lot of equipment throughout my many years. I am in a far different place than I was when I bought my first tractor. These days it is not about getting the job done so quickly or necessarily the easiest way. It is more how do I feel like doing it. I like my little tractor. It keeps me from getting in over my head on a project. It's easy to operate and as reliable as a hammer. The jobs that occupy my time on the tractor runs to mowing the yards or fencerows. Moving a little dirt or gravel or sometimes giving the grandkids rides around the farm. Can't use a CTL or skid steer very easily for that. Having an easy on, easy off tractor to putter around on is not a bad thing.

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