So, what happens to the grease?

   / So, what happens to the grease? #21  
Since I bought one of these:

View attachment 689795

I dont mind greasing at all. It used to be a real chore using a fitting which had to screwed on & off for every grease nipple (zerk?), especially as your hands got greasy, but this quick attach is so, well, quick and grease-tight.

Couple that with a good grease gun (mine's a Macnaught K29) and at the end of a session, you find yourself looking for something, anything, else to squirt some grease into! :giggle:

(There's a few different quick connects available, but the one in the pic was the first one I saw)
I've got the Lock'n'lube on one gun and love it but it doesn't fit everywhere so my second gun has the traditional screw version.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #22  
Man.... is my tractor the only so obviously building up a full layer of old grease? lol. It's everywhere, especially near all the loader pins. I keep trying to ignore it, but a full clean up will be required soon, probably take a whole roll of paper towels to get it off.

On other points, steering, etc, much is probably rubbed off or falls off in the woods here and there.
I blast my zerks off with the air compressor before I wipe them off with a rag, saves a ton of time and mess...but wear eyepro and pre-greased clothing.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #23  
I'm a liberal greaser. The Bernie Sanders of lubrication. I put about 100 hours on per year and use about a dozen tubes in that time.

So over three years with my L2501, the outside of loader pins look like a 20 year old machine. I try to take hand cleaning wipes and remove the old dry grease on occasion, but never get it all. What's worse is that after mowing for a day in heavy grass or brush, the grease gets smeared up the loader arms, onto the fenders and into the wheels. I spend lot of time cleaning the tractor too.

There is a method to my madness. Fresh grease constantly flushes out the dirt and contaminants from the joints. Unlike very expense heavy equipment, most tractors do not have sealed joints, so dirt invades pretty easily. The fresh grease keep the joint clean and lubed and the giant blobs of dirty grease sort of seal the joint from the outside dirt.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #24  
I think as you move the item very small amounts ooze out of the joints, dirt collects, and it dries and falls off.
Yep. That's where it goes. On the ground, and of course if your rub up against your tractor it goes onto your clothing.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #25  
I know it’s a stupid question, but. . . What the heck happens to all that grease I pump into that tractor? It doesn’t drip out, or leak. Does it just evaporate? I mean, I gotta tell ya. . . I hate having to grease that thing so often. It shouldn’t be a pain in the butt, but it is. It’s gotta be done, so I do it. I just don’t know where it all goes.
LOL, you end up wearing it.
Ask my wife.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #26  
Fresh grease constantly flushes out the dirt and contaminants from the joints.
Yup. My first 9 months in the navy I was on the line crew at a helo squadron - SH-3's - on the 7 day inspection we had to purge all the grease out of the rotor head & blades - pumped until the fresh grease showed. I've done a grease job that way ever since & I will do it like that on my future SCUT.

   / So, what happens to the grease? #27  
On that subject, what's the best way to remove the grease from where it was smeared to? I have grease smear on every parts of the tractor, even the yellow flashing lights and the ROPS!
   / So, what happens to the grease? #28  

I noticed this on my garage floor yesterday. Of course I ran it over with my tire and there is a blob on the driveway ever place the tire rotated a full turn, each blob a little smaller than the previous.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #29  
What happens to grease? The grease worms eat it, that is why you have to keep putting it back.
   / So, what happens to the grease? #30  
The big oily area around the pins Is one spot I figger it goes.... Oil bleeding out of the grease over time.

The rest I have found on my pants, rops, shirt, side panels, tree limbs I drove past before, fenders, other implements being used, my hands and what ever they touch. I'm sure there is more that is just not coming to me yet😁

Grease is cheap compared to replacement and repairs, I don't mind greasing neither.