Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #221  
So you would be okay with a neighbor putting a chicken house, or worse, a hog house next to you? Right on the property line? The people doing this do not want panels close to their homes. Even though two have property closer to their homes better suited (flatter) than what will be used they are not leasing that land. They are leasing land away from their homes.

Once again. They can build the facility. We just want them to follow state law and have the panels 1000' from the property lines and not 300' from neighboring homes.

Your tree did not affect the neighbors in any way. Did not decrease their property value, did not prevent access to property farmed for generations, did not present a safety hazard to their children. This solar facility does all three.


I have no problem with neighbors doing ag stuff. Chickens? Cows? Pigs? Go for it.

You want to be a slum lord and have renters? No, go away and move back to the city.

Solar farm a hazard for kids? WTF? Teach your city kids to stay on their own property. Be a responsible adult and tell them DO NOT trespass, DO NOT climb utility poles. DO NOT climb barb wire fences. DON'T whiz on the electric fence.

Farm kids don't seem to have these issues. Somehow I managed to survive childhood without seat belts in cars, operated farm and construction equipment as soon as I could reach the pedals - none of the equipment had any safety nannies like seat belts, seat presence switches, or PTO interlocks. If I hurt myself I wouldn't dare complain to my parents because I'd get the strap for being a dumb @ss for getting into trouble.
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #222  
2 of my hayfields have rentals on each side (I don't own them), if I did, those renters would be gone real quick because their kids have zero respect for my property, throw crap in my fields all the time and were using the one field as their personal MX track until I took them to court and the judge forced them to pay damages as in reseeding my field and filling in the ruts they made. Once it cost them money it stopped. Believe me, I asked them numerous times to stop but I was ignored. They had to pay my legal fees as well.

Kids today have no respect for others property for the most part but I put that squarely on poor parenting.

I own rentals on both sides of the farm that are actually rented by responsible parents with respectful children and I made it crystal clear what the rules were before they even moved in. They get stupid and I'd evict them.

I don't play.
   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #223  
We need to contest all points of converting our grid to solar & wind:

2.Foreign made infrastructure from hostile actors stealing our patents.
3.Questionable Effectiveness of solar & wind
4.Loss of American energy industry
5.Higher energy costs
6.Seizure of land
7.Use of Slave obtained minerals from Africa and exploitation of people
8.recycling of wind & solar equipment when it becomes junk in 10-15 years.

Once myself, and many others, are satisfied those conditions can be managed ethically and effectively, then you would have our attention.

I’m not looking for your attention. Please no.

So far no solutions, only half baked ideals.

What solar panels are becoming ‘junk’ at 10yrs?

Why aren’t you so up in arms about other industries that 1,2,4,5,6,7 apply to?
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #224  
I’m not looking for your attention. Please no.

So far no solutions, only half baked ideals.

What solar panels are becoming ‘junk’ at 10yrs?

Why aren’t you so up in arms about other industries that 1,2,4,5,6,7 apply to?
Apple. A 3 trillion dollar company built on the backs of slave labor. And proprietary technology across its whole product lines.
   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #225  
We need to contest all points of converting our grid to solar & wind:

2.Foreign made infrastructure from hostile actors stealing our patents.
3.Questionable Effectiveness of solar & wind
4.Loss of American energy industry
5.Higher energy costs
6.Seizure of land
7.Use of Slave obtained minerals from Africa and exploitation of people
8.recycling of wind & solar equipment when it becomes junk in 10-15 years.

Once myself, and many others, are satisfied those conditions can be managed ethically and effectively, then you would have our attention.
Where do you come up with solar being junk after 10-15 years? Link???
   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #226  
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #227  
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #228  
Yep. If they can reclaim anything a make money, it'll happen. Bottom line is always the money.

It remains yet to see if solar panel recycling will/will not be profitable.

Maybe it’ll create a few new jobs to help with the 10’s of thousands of coal, oil and NG jobs being lost in America in the very near future.

Heck there was a coal fired plant that shuttered in New Mexico. Couple hundred people lost their jobs.

Know who most of the employees were? Native Americans.

Sign me up for some chinese solar panels & batteries. Soooooo dang good for American labor!
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #229  
We may have discovered a way to make the upcoming 1200+ acre solar farm acceptable to residents. There is a Kentucky law that says an electric generating plant must be at least 1000' from property lines. A county ordinance could decrease this distance, but it cannot be increased. So the closest a panel could be located is 1000' from a road, property line, etc. When this was brought up at the last meeting the GreenGo people said that they were going to have a county ordinance passed reducing the distance to 300' FROM A RESIDENCE !! Not the property line, from the residence. Think about that. Several of the families living on lots next to the 'solar farm' will have solar panels 300' from their home on all three sides plus across the road. The county commissioners didn't know anything about this proposed ordinance until we met with them.

The company doing this keeps repeating that it will pay out around $18 million to people in the county over the next twenty years. This will only go to three families. The county will be on the hook for disposing of defective panels, cleaning up the site after the twenty year lease is up and not renewed, firefighting equipment and training, road repair, and several other things. None of the three families involved have the panels near or around their homes. They made sure that the closest was around a quarter mile away. They also have larger areas around their relatives homes than the proposed 300'. Well, except for one guy who has his ex-wife's house completely blocked off by the panels.

The company is leasing the land from the farmers, did not want to outright buy it. After reading the results of several multi-million dollar lawsuits we are convinced that the company is setting up the land owners to take the fall when the inevitable lawsuits occur. And the people doing this are too greedy or too ignorant to realize this.
Corporate owns you. They own me. They own everyone and everything.

And we all thought governments ran the show... When Corporate decides it is time to make real money, they'll decide to have a war.
Seriously, I am becoming more and more of the opinion that a few key conglomerates have a lot more power in politics and world events than we may realize.
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   / Solar Farm #2, dangers involved. #230  
Corporate owns you. They own me. They own everyone and everything.

And we all thought governments ran the show...
You only got 1/3rd of the sum total.
Now combine Corporate, Government and Media all together.
See what happens?