
   / Starlink #1  


Elite Member
Feb 13, 2010
This has the potential to finally provide true broadband internet service to rural areas. SpaceX's Satellite Internet Plans for Mid-2020 Launch in the US.

From article: "Expect speeds to reach up to 1 Gbps per user with a latency ranging between 25 to 35 milliseconds, on par with ground-based broadband services."

SpaceX's Satellite Internet Plans for Mid-2;) Launch in the US
   / Starlink #2  
My son, who follows SpaceX/Tesla closely, has been telling me its coming. Sounds to good to be true, but not much stops Elon Musk.
I need it as I am on a very weak cellular hot spot that barely moves on weekends. Plus, they know that they are a last resort and charge accordingly.
   / Starlink #3  
"Whoa, It Worked" :D
:thumbsup: Good 1st test with only few satellites up so far
   / Starlink #4  
That's interesting information - especially for those of us beyond the reach of cable. I note from the article Musk can soon expect competition in the field which should drive down prices. Unfortunately, as seen from existing cable service, that does not seem to be the case. I suspect pricing will be business as usual - whatever the traffic will bear.
   / Starlink #5  
Their has been a huge push (partly political) to provide choices for rural USA. This, along with 5G, and the wireless options (what I currently have) should provide some choices.

The low orbit satellite has been something that could be a big breakthrough to connect the world.
   / Starlink
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That's interesting information - especially for those of us beyond the reach of cable. I note from the article Musk can soon expect competition in the field which should drive down prices. Unfortunately, as seen from existing cable service, that does not seem to be the case. I suspect pricing will be business as usual - whatever the traffic will bear.

Competition is a good thing. Amazon and others are also getting into this field. We will know more in 2020 when Starlink announces prices.
   / Starlink #7  
I remember my first cell phone. Looked like an old princess phone and was housed in a bag. We only had one provider and that was Sprint. Coverage was spotty but not bad and cost was on par with a land line. As soon as 2 or 3 competitors entered the fray prices went through the roof. Seemed like the only competition taking place was to see who could dupe the consumer out of the most money. I expect some illegal price fixing was going on and probably still is today.
   / Starlink #8  
We have never had land line phone service out here. First phone - Motorola Bag Phone - ATT service. Not too expensive - limited minutes - fairly good reception. Then along came digital. Phones got tiny and service was spotty & expensive. Now I have this dam Apple iPhone XR. It will be long out of date by the time I figure it out. At least, I can make/receive phone calls on this "miracle of modern science".
   / Starlink #9  
Starlink mid 2020 launch? I'll believe it when I see it considering Elon Musk's reputation for over selling and under delivering!
   / Starlink
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Starlink mid 2020 launch? I'll believe it when I see it considering Elon Musk's reputation for over selling and under delivering!

Hopefully Starlink wont be priced like a Tesla. :) They have already launched 60 satellites (actions speak louder than words) so he's delivering. The article says "the plan is to provide a satellite link up terminal that customers can easily place in their homes". The key word is "in", inferring an ugly dish on the roof will not be necessary? :thumbsup: