Starting a Barn

   / Starting a Barn
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Eddie - Thanks for the comments. Yea, always 20 ways to skin a cat. The greatness about this site is the level of craftsmanship and skill level that is willing to offer advice and suggestions. I am in awe at some the the skill levels of posters on this thread - amazing really.

Good look with the Onion. My opinion - it begs for copper. However, easy for me to say when it is not mine or on my property. I think we all have a vision for our piece of property and how it will be built out.

I respect you and your long term vision for your place. I actually hired (on the reccomendation of a neighbor) a farm planner for my place. Best money I have spent. Gave me great insights into scale and building placements/etc. Ie: Everything should be cohesive.

Be sure to post the onion once done.
   / Starting a Barn
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Teaser.......Still at it.

Been a LONG time since any updates. Will get some updates up on how I got to this point later this week.

   / Starting a Barn #63  
Thanks for the update. Looks like you've had a busy 2 years since your last post on this.
   / Starting a Barn #64  
In the start of this thread you said that you like the look of a horse barn , but that you are really not a horse person. It may be a dumb question, but then why did you configure the barn to have 12 horse stalls instead of just keeping it more open? Just curious !

   / Starting a Barn #65  
Two years, seems like six.......... HaHa. Will get some updates on the thread.
   / Starting a Barn #66  

Great Question and one that I had a given a lot of thought to. Not sure if right, but here is my answer......

I love the look of a nice horse barn. The location begged for an over the top barn. I actually wanted to do a smaller barn, but given the location I had to size the barn to the hillside.

I am not a horse person, but in the event I ever wanted to sell my property, a fully operating horse barn adds a ton to the potential resale.

I have a crazy idea of hosting events at my property (food/wine pairings), so a nice horse barn seemed like a solid choice.