TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND

   / TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND #1  


New member
Oct 18, 2022
TC29 New Holland
Drained hydraulic fluid and chunks of metal and water was in it. Checked fluid because I started having a noisy hydraulic pump till tractor was warm. Now the hydraulics will work sometimes and pump squeals everytime it try’s to lift. Where could the water and pieces of metal be from? Oil is in radiator also
   / TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND #2  
Water usually gets in from leaky boots and seals when tractor sits outside in the rain. Oil in the radiator is usually from a blown head gasket.🍻
   / TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND #3  
Does the machine have a suction strainer? You should clean it. From the sounds of things you may want to start sourcing a hydraulic pump.

Water can get in any where. Rear axle vents, every fill or check plug along with the shifter.

Cheap hyd oil is good to flush a system but make sure you put the correct stuff in after
   / TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND
  • Thread Starter
Could the prices of metal have came from hydraulic pump?
   / TC29 Hydraulic fluid/pump problems NEW HOLLAND #5  
yes. 🍻

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