Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,131  

This intelligence officer was the forgotten hero of Midway​

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,134  
(this note is credit to my friend Tom Mallett, Administrator in a car group with me)

Interesting fact about fawns. If you happen to stumble on one and they are alone there is a reason. The mom will deposit them where she thinks they will be safe. Fawns have no scent so to keep them safe the mom will leave them hoping that any predators will follow her. The mom comes back after dark and her and the baby will bed down somewhere. This give the baby a chance to eat and bond. Early morning the mom brings the baby back to her safe spot. Usually within a week the baby is strong enough to stay with the mom full time. That’s exactly what happened with our little one. The temptation to pet her is mighty but that’s the worst thing you can do for two very important reasons. First you put your scent on the baby and that may cause the mom to abandon it. The second is you absolutely do not want the baby to bond with you, that could lead to major problems as you can imagine. That’s it I hope you learned something, I know I did. Nature is a beautiful thing.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,135  
I found a perfect way to kill mice. Leave a tall tumbler glass, 1/4 filled with wine. Leave it on your garage shop platform. Mouse will drive in, and drown in the wine, they can't get back out. Not a bad way for a mouse to die.

Not bad... I like the wine idea, nice touch for a mouse to get some sweet nectar before signing out.

I use a 5 gallon bucket, with about 1.5 gallons of water in it.
Put a board from the ground up to the edge of the bucket and sprinkle bird seed all up the board, then throw a handful of bird seed in the bucket.

The mice are terrible around my place
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,136  
I found a perfect way to kill mice. Leave a tall tumbler glass, 1/4 filled with wine. Leave it on your garage shop platform. Mouse will drive in, and drown in the wine, they can't get back out. Not a bad way for a mouse to die.
plus, it is easy to retrieve the carcass, just pull it out of the glass by the tail. NEXT ...
no need to rinse and repeat :)
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,137  
Something everyone needs to know but wishes they didn't...

Diesel and gas prices won't be dropping for a long time, only increasing.

How's that for making your day...
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,140  
...It's part of the drive to get us to transition to electric vehicles...

I almost believe this but big oil companies would be pitching fits...

Although it is a fact that the USPS has slowed delivery of first class business mail to the point that mailing a check even on the day you get a may not reach its destination in time to save getting charged a late fee...
..."they" (the powers that be) are trying to get everyone to switch to a paperless system and make everyone pay their bills electronically...