Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,622  
Someone should have explained that to Gabby Hayes...or given him a quarter
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,624  
that's a interesting read.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,625  
Did you ever wonder why, in the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th century, facial hair...and long, street dragging skirts went out of style? Tuberculosis!

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,626  
I learned at age 50 that we are not on a 1,000 mph spinning globe, circling the sun at 66,000 mph while the sun is shooting through the solar system at 1,000,000 mph. Realized that what I believed was nothing more than a religion with absolutely no proof. All the proof that we are NOT on a spinning globe.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,629  
I learned at age 50 that we are not on a 1,000 mph spinning globe, circling the sun at 66,000 mph while the sun is shooting through the solar system at 1,000,000 mph. Realized that what I believed was nothing more than a religion with absolutely no proof. All the proof that we are NOT on a spinning globe.
What a relief! Now, can you tell me where I left my wrist watch?
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,630  
"War is a place where young people who don't know each other and don't hate each other kill each other, by the decision of old people who know each other and hate each other, but don't kill each other." Erich Hartmann.
