The Foton has Landed: FT254 in Sweden

   / The Foton has Landed: FT254 in Sweden
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Your cellars must be tight enough to keep out rodents. Do you have any trouble with that?

I actually have an underground garage that may have started off life as a cold cellar when the house was built in 1890. It's a little too damp to be keeping cars in, so may be perfect for storing Veg. It has good and controllable airflow, never goes below zero, and doesn't get too warm. It is also completely dark.

Rodents aren't an issue: I have 2 cats that kill anything that moves, and the place is well enough sealed to ensure that none could gain access to it anyway.

Now in the process fo designing my flail mower: I'll start up a new thread in the Build it yerself forum when I have something worth showing - I'll be expecting much constructive criticism :)
   / The Foton has Landed: FT254 in Sweden #52  
I too like the your new tractor and that blade is really need.
   / The Foton has Landed: FT254 in Sweden #53  
We have squirrels here that are nothing but cute rats. They, if permitted, get into everything. I thought of hiring a cat.
I like the what you have going there from the look of the earth to the shape and character of the building.
   / The Foton has Landed: FT254 in Sweden #54  
Cats will do wonders. I hated cats until 4-5 years ago when my daughter was given 2 kittens. I now have no bird crap all over the deck or children's play set. Not a single mouse in the house or barn. I used to average 10 mice a year in the barn caught in traps and maybe 1 in the house every 2-3 years. And also not a single mole in the yard.

Get a pair of cats. It will keep them at home. Also get them fixed. I have tried 1 cat at a time years ago and the all wandered off. I have a heated shop in the barn so I put in a $20 kitty door. It gives them a place to get out of the weather and its where I keep their food and water.
