Tractor Sizing To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access.

   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #1  


Silver Member
Jul 12, 2004
Western Mass
Kubota B7610
Been a reader her for a while. Been a dreamer here for a while longer. I have finally raised enough money to purchase a decent tractor. (8,000 boxes of girl scout cookies and 11,000 candy bars later.......not to mention that deal I made about selling my soul to the wife) Anyway.....

Sorry to all those who fear that white, S word. Snow...Rather (hopefully) the lack there of in my driveway. I am looking at the BX2230 and the B7510/B7610. Wondering if the BX can handle a rear 3pt snowblower and if so how large? Is a 60" snowblower out of the question with (I believe) 18 PTO HP? Or I'n also concerned that even with enough HP, if the 60" blower will be just plain too big for the BX?

But to bring us all back to the warm, happy days of summer, I was wondering what you all do with your grass clippings. Do you simply mow, mulch or bag. After talking with a dealer I was informed that (unlike my Scotts lawn tractor) changing from mulching to bagging to just plain mowing is not an easy task. Reason being is that I would like to use the same mowing deck to mow my lawn and the field in front of my house. Don't really want to bag or mulch the field. Also, don't really want all the clippings in my yard.

I've thought of adding a bagger forthe yard and just removing it for the field. Though the dealer says the bagger is a piece of cake to remove and install. (On the BX at least) Though I've heard differently from here. Is the bagger difficult to remove on a B7510?

Thanks for any input on any of this.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #2  
I use the 3010 for snow, and the BX2200 belongs to the wife.

I suspect that there is a size/speed tradoff with blowers. In other words, depending on the type of snow wet or dry, etc, (us canucks know a lot about snow) you can blow it farther or not depending on how fast you drive the tractor. The slower you go, the less load there'll be on the blower.

Now, I can say my 30 HP tractor never choked on snow with a 72" blower, but you have to slow down to a sort of 'natural' speed depending on how much and what type of snow you've got, more because it piles up faster than the blower can take it away.

So, the answer is, it depends. As it happens, Kubota sells a 50" front mount for the BX1830/2230. Because I sort of consider the Mid PTO fairly wimpy, I'd assume a 60" rear mount would work fine. Of course, it would be good to ask the guy selling the blower and/or tractor his opinion.

As for grass clippings, I just leave them where the fell. Did so when I had a townhouse in suburbia, do so out on the farm. Ashes to ashes, lawn clippings to lawn clippings ...
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #3  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Wondering if the BX can handle a rear 3pt snowblower and if so how large? Is a 60" snowblower out of the question with (I believe) 18 PTO HP? Or I'n also concerned that even with enough HP, if the 60" blower will be just plain too big for the BX?)</font>

I know several people here have 54" 3PH blowers on BX series tractors.

</font><font color="blue" class="small">(
But to bring us all back to the warm, happy days of summer, I was wondering what you all do with your grass clippings. Do you simply mow, mulch or bag. )</font>

I just let them fall where they are. My dealer talked me out of mulching and the bagger is expensive.

Good luck!
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #4  

I use a Woods SS60 on my B2910. I wouldn't want to use anything larger than that on my tractor. Conversely, I don't think I'd want to use a 60" on anything much smaller.

In light snow, it doesn't even break a sweat. In one blizzard we had 2 years ago, I had about 300' of sidewalk to clear that had the windrow from the street plows...about 2.5' of heavy, hard packed stuff. The B2910 pushed through it SLOWLY, but steadily. It was pretty amazing.

A snow blower is one of the operations where a hydrostatic transmission is REAL nice. You can quickly and easily adjust your speed to the amount and type of snow you're trying to move.

On a side note, where abouts are you in Western Mass? If you're near Springfield let me know. I'll let you see my SS60 in person.

One other thing: If you'll be operating on any type of slope at all, get chains. Makes quite a difference.

Take care,

   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #5  
Can't speak for the BX but I used a 64" Puma 3pt snowblower on a B7500 all last winter up here in Vermont and the tractor had plenty of power. I never noticed it lugging at all. You had to use judgment about wetness and depth of the snow but the tractor sure will handle it.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #6  

I have a 54" Puma on the BX2200, it has handled 2 feet of wet snow with no problem. The FEL and Puma makes a nice snow removal machine. A cab is a must for a snowblower. I built one using a golf cart cover for about $125 , works well keeps the snow off you.

The 60 MMM does a great job cutting. When the grass is high I lift the chute guard and the MMM blows the grass in a wider pattern with no build up on the lawn.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #7  
Wayne, we are about two hours west of you around Utica NY and we get a bit more snow then you normally get. I try to recommend about what the manufacturers offer for the front mounts for snowblowers. There is normally little concern as the companies like Kubota are quite conservative with there ratings from what I've seen and on the BX as well as the larger B-s they offer 50". I've put three point 54" on the back of the BX series and from what I've heard they have worked fine. The plus that you have is the hydro as you can vary the ground speed to match the snow conditions. When the snow is light you can go faster and if it is heavy go slower. I would worry about a 60" on the back of the BX for the capacities of most everything as you would need some good weight on the front to hold it down.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access.
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Thanks to all for the responses. General opinion is the 54" should be the max for the BX2230 and 64" max on the B7510.

Though I called the dealer and even though the Kubota brouchure (and web site) spec a 51" and 63" front mount blower and the 50" BX blower he says only the BX blower is now avail. What's up with that? Are both the brochure & web site incorrect? Now I realize that these are all front mount blowers opposed to all responses I got referred to rear 3pt blowers. Not really sire which was to go yet with a 1100 ft long driveway (10 ft wide) a 60" or better would be preferred. One pass down & one pass back. Done. A 50" blower would still leave 10-20 inches of snow for a third pass. Now I know I'm being picky here, but my driveway is 1100 **** feet. Also not really sure if I want to go snowblow backwards for that length either.

-Thanks again.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access.
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Sorry for any confusion on that last post. I was referring to the B7510/7610 in that message.
   / To all BX2230 or B7510 owners. Sizing for Access. #10  

I wouldn't count on clearing a full 60" with a 60" blower... except for the 1st pass...

Similiar to mowing... there's usually some overlap to previous passes...

Also... there may be times when you want a faster ground speed and take a partial cut...
