/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,571  
So today I went and picked up a 2-bottom plow from Tractor Supply. Surprisingly, this was the best deal I could find in my area (used equipment is overpriced and/or junky). Anyway when I got home I demolished a big chunk of the yard so I could get planting done. I'm behind schedule thanks to not having the ground prepared because of all the rain we've been getting. Have to get planting done this weekend since it's supposed to rain all next week. I've bartered my tractor and plow work with my fire chief who has a tractor with a 4' tiller. Sunday after church he's coming here to till and then we'll go work on his place.

This plot is about 420' X 50' and I intend to plant 1/3 - 1/2 in sweet corn. The rest will be a mixture of okra, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. I have another spot about the same size that I may also plant or just wait till next year.


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,572  
Forgot to put a pic of my tractor and plow. :)


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,573  
So today I went and picked up a 2-bottom plow from Tractor Supply. Surprisingly, this was the best deal I could find in my area (used equipment is overpriced and/or junky). Anyway when I got home I demolished a big chunk of the yard so I could get planting done. I'm behind schedule thanks to not having the ground prepared because of all the rain we've been getting. Have to get planting done this weekend since it's supposed to rain all next week. I've bartered my tractor and plow work with my fire chief who has a tractor with a 4' tiller. Sunday after church he's coming here to till and then we'll go work on his place.

This plot is about 420' X 50' and I intend to plant 1/3 - 1/2 in sweet corn. The rest will be a mixture of okra, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. I have another spot about the same size that I may also plant or just wait till next year.

Looks good. Stop on over at "How does your garden grow????" anytime.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,574  
Cleared a small patch of bush today started in the rain with no camera but cleared up and here's lighting the fire.

I'm expanding the clearing above my mill for fire hazard , once I have it cleaned up I go with the flail every May to mow of any brush coming up.

It was a ruff area boulders and uneven ground.

I have a buggered up finger in my left hand so was setting my saw down so I could start it and look what I found but I'm not going to drink it.

Never took any pics. after this but by 5 not much left stoked it up for the night. BTW when stoking up a fire with your tractor make sure your not in a position to get stuck so far I've been lucky.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,575  
BTW when stoking up a fire with your tractor make sure your not in a position to get stuck so far I've been lucky.

I've never seen a tractor burnt in a brush-pile, but I have seen one tractor and one baler burn. When the lines go and you are pumping out jets of liquid fire, it's not fun anymore.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,577  
I spent most of the day harvesting locust poles. Bunch of 8' and 10', two 16's, and one nice 20'. Plan is to timber frame a new horse barn, 24' x 30', with hay loft above. Tractor cleared paths thru the brush to the fallen trees, and skidded them out of the woods. Good day.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,578  
Got in about 4 hrs, seat time yesterday. Bush hogging this field that hadn't been cut in about a yr, don't know what these weeds are but they were over my head. First time for me running a cutter with my b2620 and it performed perfectly and handled this stuff with a 5' KK bush hog without any problems. Had to go over a lot of it twice to get all the stray stalked that popped back up but next time it should be a breeze to cut as it won't be so overgrown.

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,579  
Got in about 4 hrs, seat time yesterday. Bush hogging this field that hadn't been cut in about a yr, don't know what these weeds are but they were over my head. First time for me running a cutter with my b2620 and it performed perfectly and handled this stuff with a 5' KK bush hog without any problems. Had to go over a lot of it twice to get all the stray stalked that popped back up but next time it should be a breeze to cut as it won't be so overgrown.

Looks like Dog Fennel, and keeping it mowed seems to help keep it out of the fields
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #5,580  
Looks like Dog Fennel, and keeping it mowed seems to help keep it out of the fields

If you get it before it goes to seed. Those will seed the field nicely:mad: The trick is to get to them while they are still green.