Too much for the front loader

   / Too much for the front loader #11  
If you do find a way to left the tire be vary carefull of the potential crush hazard presented to the operator if the tire decides to roll backwards due to lifting the FEL to high or while climbing a slight hill :eek:
   / Too much for the front loader #12  
Turn around.

Chain it to the back of the tractor and drag it along. As for loading it, my suggestion would be to flip it end over end onto a flatbed trailer.
   / Too much for the front loader #13  
Shimon said:
(I've had lots of people interested in the tire). .)

Interested in it for what purpose? Now theres an interesting question for inventive minds. Things you can do with a huge old tyre.
   / Too much for the front loader #14  
Dang, WHATEVER you do with it BE carefull.

While it looks harmless, that thing can get motion to it and then all sorts of bad things can happen!

-Mike Z.
   / Too much for the front loader #15  
Could you imagine the amount of black smoke you would have using that thing to start a brush pile fire:eek:
   / Too much for the front loader #16  
Wow, that is a big tire. Looks to be off a coal truck. I know some young boys that would beg to get inside that thing and be rolled down a hill! Yee haa!
   / Too much for the front loader #17  
Not too much tire - just too li'tul twactor.

Maybe empty out the rain water, then push it over and drag it to a trailer (perhaps with a heavier tractor). Lift an edge, block it up, repeat as needed.
Get a couple of 10 or 12 ft beams under it to form a bridge, back the trailer under it... you can figure the rest.
   / Too much for the front loader #18  
If so many want it....tell them to come and get it!!
   / Too much for the front loader #19  
That's gonna be a big ol' sandbox for some lucky kid. ..... and the neighborhood cats!
   / Too much for the front loader #20  
I guess this tire weight at 2900 lb. From the pictures. Even with a counter weight I wouldn't risk structural failure to my FEL arms or mounts