Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,711  
Welcome back...
Thanks man!! This place no longer sends me notifications on posts and forum activities, dont know why! Now I have to remember to come look.

And then catch up and make half a dozen posts in a row!:LOL:
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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,712  
One trick that can help with back leaners like that is to put your back cut in first and tighten up a wedge then put your face in. It’s basically the same way we put jacks in.
Interesting, I would have never thought to do the back cut first. I've done a couple plunge cuts that worked, but not very often.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,713  
Interesting, I would have never thought to do the back cut first. I've done a couple plunge cuts that worked, but not very often.

It can take a while to learn to do right but works very well. Another good thing you can do is add a wedge to the very end of the back cut as a gauge.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,714  


Some Western Red Cedar that was hanging back over towards a RMA zone.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,715  
Nice pictures, thanks! Without your equipment in the shot, the trees, don't look that big. I'd sure enjoy watching you work for a day, that stuff is huge.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,716  
I wouldn’t call that huge it’s in the 3ft range what’s even more amazing about that is cedar doesn’t hold hinge it pops. Western Red Cedar out here is the equivalent of a warm stick of butter which makes it interesting to cut it can be harder to feel your way around the face and back cuts with the tip of the bar.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,717  
Your "notch looks bigger than the backcut, and the hinge looks wider than normal, how much was it leaning?
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,718  
Cedar has flutes so face size can look bigger then it really is. It cleared my chain bob at about 5” hanging out the back cut and about 1” hanging down the hill. The hinge was thicker then I would normally do even with a normal cedar but we had wind going in our favor that was coming and going that I could see it setting back on the gauge.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,719  
I did a little horse trading, I sawed out some slices of walnut for a customer friend, in trade for this Walker Turner drill press,


Walker Turner made some REALLY GOOD tools, so even though I really didn't need it, I took it.

I also got a small punch press and some steel grating (cat walk) along with the deal, and some other steel that I can use.

He's happy and I'm happy, so a win win for both of us.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,720  
Y'all that cut fire wood do you have a chimney with flues or just stove
pipe? Back in the 70's our house had the chimney in the middle of the
house with flues and no matter what kind of wood I burned cured or green I never had to clean out the chimney. Some of the guys had to
climb up on the roof and use a wire brush or chain to clean out their
chimney. I had a southern air or something like I kept in the basement.
Nothing here in West Texas like in upper Wisconsin and we are lucky
to get snow once a year.
Wood heat is the best! Forced air is warm then cool then warm etc.
