Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,731  
Here is a new question for everyone. Does anyone market apple firewood? I am in the process of a several year project clearing a 4 acre old pasture on the farm which started growing up 50 years ago. I am chipping brush and cutting and selling ash and maple . But there are numerous wild apple trees which are very time consuming to process. I have made one cord of firewood for sale. I also make 5 cords from my woodlot for myself as well as 8 cords for sale to neighbours.all beech and sugar maple.
Here is the thing. Apple trees require at least three times the time and effort to process. Not worth it at the usual firewood price.
Does anyone sell apple at premium price and how do you do it? I heard it is valued for its fragrance and smoking properties.
While it does make great firewood, the handling is not worth it if you want to sell it and get people to pay what your time is worth.
It would likely be easier to sell as smoker wood at higher dollars for smaller amounts.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,732  
Well, I need some sycamore lumber, so I took the tractor and loaded one on the BSM so I could get it milled and the lumber on stickers!! Then I got started milling it,


and the lumber started piling up on the pallet forks,


Then I put the log back together with stickers between the flitches, and I ratchet strapped it back together.


In a couple months the lumber will be ready to use!

That's it for today...

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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,733  
Well, I need some sycamore lumber, so I took the tractor and loaded one on the BSM so I could get it milled and the lumber on stickers!! Then I got started milling it,


and the lumber started piling up on the pallet forks,


Then I put the log back together with stickers between the flitches, and I ratchet strapped it back together.


In a couple months the lumber will be ready to use!

That's it for today...

Does sycamore tend to twist and warp or is that just SOP? The only thing I know about sycamore is a song we used to sing about Zacheas in Sunday School years ago. :D
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,734  
Applewood is GREAT firewood, lots and lots of it sold around here!

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,735  
Does sycamore tend to twist and warp
In the past, I've had NO problems with drying sycamore flat/straight.

SO, I don't expect to have any problems with this sycamore either...

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,736  
In the past, I've had NO problems with drying sycamore flat/straight.

SO, I don't expect to have any problems with this sycamore either...


The lady I bought the farm from cut a sycamore for 2” stair treads for a house she built for her best friend. I cut the same tree that grew from the stump 36 years later for 2” stair treads for our log house. Now again 25” x 60’ tree.

Sycamores always grow near water so hiking or hunting they stand out with their shedding bark shows white skin. Useful landmark navigating the mountains.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,737  
A lot of the Amish around here mill Sycamore...

So far, it's still generally .55 / BF...
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,738  
Sycamores always grow near water
Well, I'd say a lot of the time they do, but they will grow just fine on higher ground sometimes too.

This one is from on a huge hill of sand, and in fact, they have been digging the sand out and selling that hill for years and years...

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,739  
Maybe a better statement would be that sycamores grow best where they can reach water. Well diggers respect their abilities. I can trace my mile long water shed till it erupts to 500gpm year round spring.
Sycamores and popular (tulip magnolia) are also good harbingers of a rain shower is coming by turning over their leaves. Just enough time to gather up tools and get to shelter.
Some of my best teachers have been been trees and enjoy spending time in the woods.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,740  
The lady I bought the farm from cut a sycamore for 2” stair treads for a house she built for her best friend. I cut the same tree that grew from the stump 36 years later for 2” stair treads for our log house. Now again 25” x 60’ tree.
How often does that happen I wonder ?? Pretty amazing...really !
