Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,031  
Now some trailer logging, my son took this video after he brought ratchet and socket down in the woods to tighten up the trailer hitch coupler. I hooked on the trailer and headed out, my son went first with the Rhino, I must of drove 600' before I looked behind and noticed I had no trailer on back, it seem like the tractor was pulling easy so I shifted into a higher gear, then looked behind in no trailer, when I get the logs unloaded I'll take another look at that coupler, there not suppose to unhook and make people upset.

Rhino with trailer - YouTube

L34 trailer logging - YouTube
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,032  
Yeah there was few mosquitoes and ticks but the deer flies haven't showed up yet, seems like there late this year.

You keep saying that, yet I've been killing them for 3 weeks. Yesterday they tried to carry me off, I was ready for them though when I heard that bullfrog as I got out of the truck.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,033  
A while back I posted about my neighbor having these dead trees and offering them to me as firewood. The risk in leaving them was that they could fall onto the easement of my house plus 3 others. The largest was about 120 feet tall and around 4 foot diameter at the base. Well today they had a tree company fall them. They climbed the largest to attach a line about 50 feet up where you see the guy in the tree (still a big tree at 50 feet). The tree was more rotted than either of us thought and the hinge snapped off premature on one side during the fall, rolling the tree off of the stump and off course by about 10 feet at the top. It missed the gap in trees he wanted and hit another large tree at about a 30 degree angle from the ground. The trunk of the falling tree exploded as you can see in the 3rd pic. Not something for the backyard warrior. The tree took down so many maple branches you cannot see the exploded trunk very well. The very top was pointing back to the trunk since it snapped off and went flying. That part of the tree that broke was still about 12 inches in diameter.
8C23E07D-758C-47B2-B735-4126DE62B9ED.jpeg C0D5BD92-4985-4F9B-987E-67C300EA597A.jpeg 13584D75-8F07-46CE-B8D1-65267DAD81EE.jpeg
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,034  
Another picture. Sections of that tree went everywhere. The larger section to the left is actually from a different tree that was broken off and stabbed into the ground during the fall. Again, not a job for the weekend warrior.
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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,035  
Nothing more unpredictable than a dead tree and a big one can be a nightmare. If you can't put them where they lean watch out it's a crap shoot. A hinge can hold and steer a live tree as it bends But the hinge on a dead tree is almost useless because it won't bend. It breaks off and the tree is free to fly. You were smart to hire it done.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,036  
That’s something along the lines of what I said would happen. Definitely not fun or exciting and could easily get someone killed. You or your neighbor definitely did the smart thing hiring it done.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,037  
Another picture. Sections of that tree went everywhere. The larger section to the left is actually from a different tree that was broken off and stabbed into the ground during the fall. Again, not a job for the weekend warrior.
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They are lucky that it didn't come down from the weight of the guy who went up it to tie off the line. I will bet that you're glad now that you opted not to fell them yourself.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,038  
I didn't get any shots of the 7060 on these trees today, but four large hemlocks had blown down a couple months ago, and we finally got up the nerve to cut them loose of their root wads (pic attached). Cut 6' off the butt to get clear wood, still lots of log got bucked and limbed today.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,039  
I didn't get any shots of the 7060 on these trees today, but four large hemlocks had blown down a couple months ago, and we finally got up the nerve to cut them loose of their root wads (pic attached). Cut 6' off the butt to get clear wood, still lots of log got bucked and limbed today.

View attachment 611480View attachment 611481

Now that is a substantial log. :thumbsup:
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,040  
I didn't get any shots of the 7060 on these trees today, but four large hemlocks had blown down a couple months ago, and we finally got up the nerve to cut them loose of their root wads (pic attached). Cut 6' off the butt to get clear wood, still lots of log got bucked and limbed today.

View attachment 611480View attachment 611481

Nice job ! I love those big trees you guys grow out there.
