Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,021  
When I was in colorado they wanted 200-250 for pine and 450-500 for mixed hardwoods. No clue what they get here, never really looked.

A few years back I was talking to a local firewood seller (Michigan) who knew I traveled a good bit. He wanted to know if people out west actually burned pine. Someone had told him that and he thought they were kidding.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,022  
I definitely wouldn't try to cram a full cord in my pick up bed haha. That is one of the many reasons we are considering a dump trailer (General use around the property, driveway maintenance, mulch, firewood for ourselves, bringing loads back from FIL that happens every visit haha, etc.).

I was just curious to what size would hold a full cord, roughly. Just so we get a trailer that is more than capable enough. Would you say purchasing a dump trailer is similar to the tractor philosophy of buy one or two larger than you think you need now? Obviously making sure you stay within capabilities of your tow truck.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,023  
Would you say purchasing a dump trailer is similar to the tractor philosophy of buy one or two larger than you think you need now?
Obviously making sure you stay within capabilities of your tow truck.

I am in the opposite school of thought,,
I have a 6.5 x 10 foot tandem dump trailer,, with 9,990 pound capacity,,
I do not see any need for a trailer bigger than that,,

People talk about getting 18 foot,, and 20 foot trailers,, those things are so big,, they are difficult to do EVERYTHING with,,,

I have hauled the trash (light load) to the waste transfer station with my trailer,, pulling it with a 1996 Chevy S10 pickup,,
so the trailer was too big for the truck, but the total load was light. :confused:
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,024  
I hate pulling a trailer bigger than required to do the job. Maybe it would be different for a couple times a year use but for routine use buy the right trailer for the job. I sold my second 10 ton trailer because I hated it and wanted something more inline for hauling a few thousand pounds.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,025  
F39D8F74-14C1-4A78-A48E-BC008979D9E8.jpegF706147A-9258-4D52-AEDF-9A68E458E6A5.jpegI have a 6x10 dump trailer with side boards. 7000# gross. It holds just shy of 200 cubic feet of loose wood, off the conveyor. When the wood is 16 long and split to a reasonable size, it stacks up to a full cord. Varying the length or split size will change that, however it痴 not a lot so it痴 better to give the customer a full trailer or one heaped in the middle good (with 18 wood) than to short them. In northern Ontario, I知 getting $325 per cord delivered for Birch (our 蘇ardwood? or jackpine/softwood)
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,026  
Heres getting the oak logs I cut down month ago, by the feel they didn't dry out much, I'll get the tops this fall, maybe. I had to cut out some video to keep it under 10 minutes.
L34 logging - YouTube
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,027  
Heres getting the oak logs I cut down month ago, by the feel they didn't dry out much, I'll get the tops this fall, maybe. I had to cut out some video to keep it under 10 minutes.
L34 logging - YouTube
I've never known oak to dry in a year after it was cut and split. so can imagine what it's like after just a month.
Then again I haven't had any to worry about in 40 years... up here it's just beech,birch, ash, and maple.

PS; nice video.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,028  
A few years back I was talking to a local firewood seller (Michigan) who knew I traveled a good bit. He wanted to know if people out west actually burned pine. Someone had told him that and he thought they were kidding.

I would burn seasoned pine if I had it in the early and late shoulder months. That and Poplar can take the chill of the house and not overheat it with long burns. In the colder months, no.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,029  
Heres getting the oak logs I cut down month ago, by the feel they didn't dry out much, I'll get the tops this fall, maybe. I had to cut out some video to keep it under 10 minutes.
L34 logging - YouTube

Enjoyed your videos OP. Even saw a few bugs fly across the lens.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #9,030  
Enjoyed your videos OP. Even saw a few bugs fly across the lens.

Yeah there was few mosquitoes and ticks but the deer flies haven't showed up yet, seems like there late this year.