Trimming around chain link fence

   / Trimming around chain link fence #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Hi all,

I have been using a weed trimmer around my chain link fence.
Needless to say its a big pain in my butt. It chews through line
like no tomorrow.

Wondering if any of you folks have figured out a better solution?

   / Trimming around chain link fence #2  
Good call bringing this up. I have chain link around my pool and have the same experience, and in fact it was bugging me this weekend. I wish I had a good way of handling it, but I just chew through the line or have to go back a pull the grass out of the fence by hand.
   / Trimming around chain link fence #3  
Round up or something like it. adjust the sprayer tip so you get a thin path. The brown stripe under the fence is really nice once you get used to it.
   / Trimming around chain link fence #4  
Does the fence touch the dirt? Release the fence at bottom of post and dig out two inches and frame and pour cement. A little costly. But a couple bags of cement a week and it done.
   / Trimming around chain link fence #6  
I just had this conversation with my son around the dog fence last week (wire, not chain link).

Filling up the spool at "2.5 arms length" for each cutting twine in the string trimmer, he (my son) will go use two complete spools to complete the fence line. This past Saturday doing the work myself, only using "2 arms length" for each cutting twine in the string trimmer, I only used one complete spool and had cutting twine left over after I did the fence line.

Lower RPM's when in contact with the fence, and higher RPM's just "touching" (not in actual contact) with the fence line is the trick IMO.

You will not get every piece of tall grass, but after mowing for a month with the grass growing around the fence, it looks 10 times better after use with the string trimmer IMO.

Our dog lot is 60'x40'.
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   / Trimming around chain link fence #7  
havnt tried this yet but sounds good.

You can put a zip tie in each line hole and leave the excess hanging out. seems like a perfect fix for chain link
   / Trimming around chain link fence
  • Thread Starter
havnt tried this yet but sounds good.

You can put a zip tie in each line hole and leave the excess hanging out. seems like a perfect fix for chain link

Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what your suggesting?
   / Trimming around chain link fence #9  
Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what your suggesting?

I took it as he is saying use zip ties instead of string trimmer line. Two zip ties in a head.

But plastic is plastic.

I say, use chemicals.
   / Trimming around chain link fence #10  
Commercial quality trimmer line is often better than what a consumer buys. Fence isn't actually very sharp. Not as bad as foundation corners.

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