Wanted dead or alive Power Trac

   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #11  
i would like to see a pic of your cutting head, or even better of your rig in action.

I can't imagine cutting 4" trees. I won't cut anything over 1 1/2" with my rotary cutter.
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac
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Here is a picture of a recent project before and after. With my belt drive 420 Steiner with only 21hp it took me around 5hrs to clear just under .5 acre. Running the motor 2/3rd throttle. Had a couple 6" trees and a quite a few over 2"to cut down with the cutting head as well. The lot had been bush hogged 20+ years ago. I feel if I had this cutting head on the pt425 I could shave an easy hour off. Just by being able to raise the cutting head 4' up from the base and chewing to the ground like you would do with the toro dingo and a blue diamond brushcutter. The cutting head that I made does not jar, bounce, or vibrate when used. Absolutely no impact on the equipment or operator. After I'm done cutting with my cutting rig I switch to my 350 pound finish mower for a final ground cleaning. The I load the tractor two implements, my crippled self and leave. No chainsaw work at all for me. The only thing left is about a pickup truck load of big limbs, and a few rotten logs that they generally burn. Screenshot_20200209-140559.jpeg20200203_150415.jpegScreenshot_20200209-140548.jpeg
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #13  
Nice. How about a few pics of the cutter?
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #14  
Nice job. It is hard to judge the size trees from the photo, but it looks like the 6 brush cutter could take those saplings down. However, your cutter seems to cut below grade like a mulching head, removing the stumps, and a normal brush cutter won稚 do that. Flail mowers can get to ground level, but I don稚 know how big a tree the PT flail mowers will mulch.

I would love to see photos of what your cutter looks like and how it gets things below grade.

All the best,

   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac
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I would like to show the pictures of the cutting head, but I have to keep it under wraps for right now. I will bring it out for more people to enjoy later this year. When I get a PT and fit up to it properly. It does an awesome job on all types of grasses, bull rushes, catails, black needle rush, honeysuckle, and other vines with no wrapping or cleaning needed. It makes a cutting width of 54". It is lightweight so not to increase ground pressure by much. Typically I cut to the grade staying off the soil. I will run it subsurface in areas where I'm wanting to create a drainage swale with the cutterhead while cutting. Once I get my new to me Power trac I will be releasing a build diagram unless Power Trac wants to manufacture it. With all my rambling. I believe I need to be searching for a pt422 to a pt1430 in size for maintaing my farm. I enjoy design and fabrication to. So please keep an eye out for a PT for me. I don't care if it runs or not. I will go through it completely all the way to a new paint job. I really don't want to build a mini front loader from scratch if I dont have to. The toro dingo and skid steers are rough on the body especially mine.
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #16  
Totally understand. Good luck with it.

All the best, Peter
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #17  
Did you look at the power-trac web site under used power tracs or call and talk to Terry, as sometimes he knows of used power tracs for sale that is how I found my 1845.
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac
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Thanks for everyone's help. I will call Terry in the morning. He was out sick last week.
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #19  
A smaller version of this?
   / Wanted dead or alive Power Trac #20  
Or this?

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