Well the journey has begun- lots of pics

   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics
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Well, I've have been absolutely swamped.....her grandfather passed away and a month later her dad was in a car wreck and now he's in the nursing home. So, I have to keep up with two home right now...

Anyway, I haven't taken the time to find any more info. on the history of my place. But, there have been some crazy things happen!

In October, there was a neighbor that I knew a little bit came and asked permission to hunt on my land. I knew him and said sure, but if you are going to be hunting, call me the day before and I'll tell you if I'm going to be out there with my family or not. I tell everyone this, so that I'm not telling them no, but it puts the burden back on them to call me every time they might pull the trigger. For most, it's too much trouble= no hunting. This particular guy doesn't even gun hunt. He likes to hunt. I mean, he builds his own bows, and is very fundamental and traditional in his hunting methods. One of the other neighbors has a game cam and told this hunter there is a huge buck that comes through a certain place. So, the hunter sets up his stand about 20 yards in from my property line. Well, he was setup and dreaming of that big buck. A bit later, two women from the adjoining property came up on a utility side by side and told him he wasn't allowed to be there. He explained to them that I gave him permission, my name, how much I gave for the land, etc. He was trying to give them info. to verify his story and help them to believe him. They didn't want none of it. They told him he wasn't allowed to hunt there, hunt their deer and to leave. He stayed in the tree and they came down and called my house. Now, understand, I've only owned the land about 2 weeks and have never met these neighbors. My wife answered the phone and I could tell someone was really grilling her. My wife is a nice person and won't really stand up to people. I was getting angry and told her to give me the phone about 3 times. She wouldn't because she knew I'd make enemies real quickly. I like my privacy and I believe there is a certain you should have when calling someone at home and asking a million questions. The one thing I specifically remember my wife saying is, "I didn't give anyone permission to hunter, however, my husband may have. He's sitting right here, would you like to speak with him." Their response was, "No!" After my wife got off, she told me the whole conversation. They asked if we hunted and then explained that they don't but have nothing against it. They told us they like to target shoot. They told us we shouldn't let people ride ATV's on our property, they'll sue you. There's a big scary man back there on THEIR property hunting, staring at their house, smoking a cigar and in FULL HUNTING GETUP. I was pretty hot, to say the least. It's one thing to call respectfully and say, "Mr. so and so, my name is and I'm sorry we've never met before. I understand you just recently bought the property adjoining our's and I wanted to let you know there is a man hunting on your land. It's none of our business but this place has been undisturbed and quiet for years. We were just concerned." No, they came off as over-bearing, rude and nosey.....great way to get started.

I told my wife that I had give the hunter (we'll call him) permission and that he is a burly looking fella.

I find out later that after hanging up from my wife, my neighbors went BACK up there and confronted the hunter. This time they had a rifle. They told him to leave and that they had just spoke with us and that he didn't have permission to be there, yadda, yadda. Then they drove off about 50 yards and proceeded to pull off about 6 rounds. The hunter decided someone may get hurt and he left. Ironically, he's a deputy sheriff. As a side note, even if he were any other deputy, I'd question his story but this fella is about as laid back and calm as it gets. I think you could smack him and he wouldn't get excited. Anyway....

He went home and called the sheriff. He felt that it had went south and he wanted to makes a mends so he went with the deputy on duty to the neighbor's house. I happen to go to school with the deputy on duty and he later told me that the woman just about attacked him and he thought he was going to have to arrest her. It was crazy. Heck, after those two left, the lady's husband called the sheriff's department on the deputy! Not because he was being rude or anything but wanted to report the man hunting.....this was hours later! Crazy stuff here......and these people are professionals....the one lady is a retired nurse, the other a UPS driver and I think the other one is a nurse......not sure.

It's still not resolved. I was summoned to court but the hearing date was postponed till may. I have yet to meet the neighbors. The hunter feels badly and has apologized to me MANY times for causing trouble. The lady faces some pretty serious charges and she even made a sworn statement to the deputy that, "I tried to intimidate him. I wanted him to know I had a gun and wasn't afraid to use it!" I don't know about you, but I've told my wife you don't ever go confront someone on OUR property, let alone someone else on another person's property. Just call the sheriff.

And there's more but you get the gist........

Welcome to land ownership!!!:D:rolleyes:
   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics
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Well, shortly afer my "shoot at the sheriff" incident (which the court case should be coming up soon- joy!) my ole' fellas that keep on an eye on the place called and said, "Did you leave your ATV down in the woods? There's one that looks just like your's down in the woods with the ignition wires cut." No, it wasn't mine I told them. So, I called my buddy (the hunter) and asked him if he'd go check it out. Long story short, my buddy drug the ATV out of the woods with his ATV, he called the sheriff and they found the owner- which was very relieved. He was making payments.....

Crazy stuff, here......
   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics
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Fast forward to this past Sunday, Mother's Day. I took the new Prowler out to the property and tooling around with my mom, wife and kids. When we went out to "the point" to look past "the big fancy house" and see the beautiful view. I saw a bunch of trucks at the neighbors house- we call it the big fancy house because it really is a big nice home. I had talked to that particular neighbor a few times and he was very inviting to me and my family. I was interested in his geothermal setup because I'm going to try it in our house when we build. He told me he was a fire fighter and that he was always home on the weekends and to stop by.....shoot, he even told me to use his driveway to access my property during the winter when mine was a muddy mess. Well, at that time I had the kids, wife and mom with me so I didn't go on down across his land to introduce myself.

I had taken the baffle out of the v-twin prowler because I wanted to hear what it may sound like if I put a pipe on it. And, I was back near that corner of our land ram rodding it by myself, not thinking anything about being respectful.

Jump ahead here a few hours:
My mom left in her car and I helped my wife pack up the kids and told her I was going to run over to one of my ole' buddy's house to try and finalize a deal on his 74" buch hog roto tiller that my FIL wanted (another post on another day). Just in casual talking, my ole' buddy said, "Did you hear what happened to Bill?" I'll refer to "Bill," as the guy that lived in the big fancy home. I said, "No." I was thinking something about his divorce that just finalized, or that he was going to sell the home (that my BIL and SIL said they'd like to buy if it ever came up for sale). My ole' buddy said, "He went Friday night and shot his ex-wife and then came home and shot himself." I honestly didn't know what to say. I was in shock!

Long story short, the police are treating it as a murder-suicide. I never got to meet him. Honestly, it feels strange and I really don't know what else to say about it. I didn't make the connection, but a guy I used to hang out with 10 or so years ago was good friends with "Bill" and that is who found him dead. He must have had it planned that his friend would find him. Bill called them that morning and asked them if they'd come over. They were there in less than 5 minutes and he was slumped over next to the barn- according to some other sources. Simply unbelievable.

And so the drama continues.....that place has been pin drop quiet for the last 50 years, I buy it and within less than a year all of this happens.....:eek:
   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics #54  
Great thread, I just found it. Nice property. Seems you found the old home site. Look around real close, no telling what you might find.

My great uncle still lived on the old family homestead in East Texas up until he died last year. He was late 80's and was born on the site. My dad was also born there and have a few photos of him on the porch of the old log cabin. Dad is 78 now. What is left of the place is about 20-30 acres. The old home burnt down 50-60 years ago. Not sure what will happen to the place but will most likely will go to some of his kids. I would like to make an offer on the old place. It is one of those places at the end of a long dirt road miles from even a small town. Those kind of places need to be saved and enjoyed as they are.
   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics #55  
Thanks for the updates. It's really turning into a sitcom with all your adventures!!!!

   / Well the journey has begun- lots of pics #56  
And so the drama continues.....that place has been pin drop quiet for the last 50 years, I buy it and within less than a year all of this happens.....:eek:

Sounds like you are a bad influence on the neighborhood;). Just kidding you. It looks like you have a great looking place. Good luck with it all(and the neighbors too).:p