We will kill to defend our family, friends and homes. We will kill those who intend to take the resources we have put aside to stay alive.
I will die instead of watching animals raping the people I love.
BTW, that was my approach long before I accepted Jesus in the later stage of my life.
Of course what you state is more than common sense than anything else, and per your examples are pretty much black and white as to why your scenario of killing would be justified to pretty much anyone with an ounce of common sense.
I was a very much black and white guy when I was younger.
The issue is as I've gotten older is that the life is seldom black and white, and has a whole lot of gray involved that makes the decision making process not as easy.
If I remember correctly you son really didn't want any guns of yours because of his wife. So, if by chance for whatever reason your son and daughter in law should wonder into our "camp" unarmed when the world has gone to crap and they're looking for "help", I tell them to get lost or be killed?
Don't get me wrong, it's not like my wife and I couldn't survive for some time on our own, but I found some time ago that if I'm preparing for the end of the world for survival "long term", I sincerely question at my age why I really want to be a part of it.
I looked at a whole home generator some time ago when I took some training on them and had the opportunity to get one at a decent deal. At least in the southeast, 22KW is more common than the smaller ones normally sold up north. We're stuck on LP for fuel other than electric. If I was running that full tilt at 8 hours a day, I'd have no more than two months fuel. When I found that out, I was like why spend the money just to live life easy for a couple of weeks that in general I'll never use? Way I see it, just get use to camping 24/7. I use to be pretty good at living off the grid, but now at my age, much rather a hotel room vs sleeping on the ground LOL
For many of us as we get older, it's an uphill battle without good medical to boot.