What do you do with your greasy shop rags?

   / What do you do with your greasy shop rags? #41  
I tried washing some one time at home. (with full knowledge and permission of the wife) I washed them 5 or 6 times with Simple Green and Purple Power. Also used whatever she uses on clothes. Also added some Dawn dish liquid. They never came really clean, there were never any soap suds while they were washing, the grease/oil killed the suds as soon as they started to wash. I finally took them out and gave up. The inside of the washer was a mess. I put several pair of clean coveralls and jeans in and washed them twice just to clean up the inside of the washer. I think the real problem was I had just a few rags with grease on them, instead of just oil and dirt. I am not sure I will ever try it again, but if I do I will make sure there is NO grease on any of the rags. That shouldn't be hard to do because since that experience I have been using rags for everything EXCEPT wiping grease. For that I now use paper towels.
Live and learn... actually I had a feeling it was going to be a mess, but sometimes you just gotta see for yourself;)

Interesting. I was wearing my "good gloves" ($5 insulated camo from wally world) and grabbed a handful of tractor grease when I adjusted the 3pt. Yuck. So, I put the greasy glove into a pvc container of mineral spirits. Came out the next day and flipped it over. Came out the next day and sqeezed out the solvent, dumped the old and put in new to soak for a couple more days. Then put the glove outside to drip dry for a couple days. I've been wearing it for the past week and there is not even any grease feel, smell or any indication that it had a big ol glob of grease ground in to it.

   / What do you do with your greasy shop rags? #42  
use them for progressively nasty jobs then burn them.
In the warm months I store the "not quite dead" rags in the wood stove until the next time I need them so if they do combust, they're already in a safe container.